a lengthy explanation with many interruptions

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third-person pov 

eventually, everyone in the room wakes up and the girl with horns and wings explains what's going on "so quite a few of you have been scratched by the demon monster thing-"Denki interrupts "yeah and we can heal its just a scratch" she sighs "its not a normal wound it will leave a lasting scar as well as-" Denki interrupts again "we have many scars what makes this one so special" she glares at him and continues "his claws were filled with a poison that makes you have a demon-like form-" this time urraraka cuts in "how will we do our hero duty whale were demons" she frowns"I swear" she says under her breath "that's why I'm here I'm going to help you suppress and/or control it, you turn into a demon when-" then Denki cuts in again " how would we turn into a demon" IF ANYONE INTEROUPS ME AGAIN I WILL CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD FEED YOU TO MY HELL HOUND" mid-sentence her eyes turn black and red and then back to normal at that everyone shuts up so she can finish "you turn when your feeling a strong negative emotion like jealousy sadness anger annoyance etc   when you idiots heal from your other wounds we will begin it will be after school so I don't interrupt classes" they all nod and todoroki asks whats your name anyway?" she answers "you can call me echo for now"

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