Jotaro Kujo (P3)- Comfort

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Jotaro Kujo- fluff
Hatless joot😳
Picture credits go to Araki and the creators of the anime

Warning: slight spoilers for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part three: Stardust Crusaders episode 22, language warning (just in case lol)

You growl as you stomp into an unoccupied room in the submarine. Throwing your bag to the side, you lock the door behind you and flop onto the bed.

"How could they keep that from me? Avdol was alive this whole time and they didn't say a single thing to me?" You cross your arms and grit your teeth. You've known Jotaro since you were in elementary school, and he didn't trust you enough to tell you? "This is bullshit! I'm happy he's alive and all but they should've told me for fuck's sake!"

You growl as you shift around on the comforter, glaring at everything around you.
You think back to when you and Polnareff were fighting Cameo, and how you both almost got eaten alive. Your stand, 『RADIO GAGA』couldn't do much with its electric abilities during the battle. You were shocked when Avdol showed up, but that shock melted away to anger when you and Polnareff learned that he was alive, and that the group thought you two would tell the enemy. Lost in thought, you jump a little as you hear a sharp rap on the door.

"What?" You ask, not making a move to unlock it.

"Damn, you sound pissed." You hear a gruff voice, slightly muffled from the door. You sigh as you get up to unlock the door, opening it an inch to peek out.

You try not to choke as you see Jotaro looking down at you, wearing a red tank top and sweatpants. He motions with his hands, which held two cups of steaming coffee, to let him inside.

You huff and open the door wider before turning around and walking back to your bed, sitting against the wall. Jotaro sets one of the mugs on the table beside you and sits next to you.

"I know why you're mad." He states. You roll your eyes as he continues. "It wasn't my idea, you know."

"What wasn't your idea? Keeping it from me that one of our closest friends was alive? Yeah yeah, great excuse"

"We did it for a good reason." He says as he hands you the coffee cup.

"You think you can win me over with coffee?" You ask before taking a big sip of the drink in hand. God, it was perfectly made, just the way you like it. Jotaro raised a brow at your reaction to the coffee. You noticed, pursing your lips and glaring at him. "What, I'm just thirsty."


You huff and turn away from him, still sipping the coffee. "I've known you for so long. You could have just told me that he was alive! If you explained to me, I could've kept quiet."

"Like I said, it wasn't my idea." Jotaro pulls his hat down, hiding his face. "Yare yare, I'm trying to apologize here..."

Your eyes narrow as you turn back to look at him. "Listen, I know you're a hardass, but could you play with my hair for a bit, it would really help."

His eyes widen at your request. Fuck, you think as you realize what you just said. "I-I mean, you don't have to. I don't know what I just said-"

You get cut off as he scoots closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you to his chest.

"Yare yare daze." He mutters, a slight blush visible on his cheeks. He sets his cup down on the table and brings his other hand up to your head, running his fingers through your locks. "I'm sorry..."

You lean into his touch, hesitating for a second before wrapping your arms around his toned torso. "I guess I can forgive you..."

He hums in response, his hand leaving your hair for a second as he brings your face up to his, looking into your eyes, coming closer-


You jump away from each other at the unexpected voice. Star Platinum floats beside Jotaro, a grin plastered on his face.

"Ora!! Ora ora!" He says, flying over to you and encases you in a giant hug.

"S-Star?" You stutter, feeling your cheeks heat up. He nuzzles his face into your neck, happily murmuring ora's.

"Star, come back." Jotaro commands, still blushing. Star Platinum tightens his grip on you and frowns before letting go and fading back into Jotaro. He looks to the side and motions for you to come back over to him. You comply, looking at him shyly before snuggling into his broad chest. You two stay cuddled up for a while before falling asleep.

"Where are they?" Polnareff asks, looking at the others. Joseph and Avdol both shrug, not knowing where you and Jotaro are.

"I saw Jotaro making coffee a few hours ago. He had two cups... maybe they're together?" Avdol says, giving Joseph the side eye.

"Ohhhh no he doesn't! Y/N is cute! I didn't get to make a move on her!" Polnareff fumes, balling his fists. "I'm gonna go find them-"

"Leave them be. I'm sure nothing is going on." Joseph stops him, smiling happily. Maybe my grandson will learn to be a little nicer from that girl.

"I'm sure the battle was rough for Y/N, let's give her a few more minutes to relax." Avdol turns to Joseph and gives him a thumbs up, grinning wildly. Joseph smirks back and nods, chuckling.

Thanks for reading! Have a good morning/afternoon/night~


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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