Chapter1 -Dump him for good :3-

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*3 years later*(School Time) Fifth week of School '4 year collage'

Yumi's POV

"Hey Yumi babe! Where are you going?!"-Ryo walking faster towards me

"Shut up! Get away! 1 week is over! Now are deal is done!! Go away!"-Me walking away faster

That's Ryo,he's the guy who is asking me to be his girlfriend,rumor that just come that Ryo is my first boyfriend and the one who make my hearts falls...but a big mistake! It's a big NO,Ryo didn't make my heart for him but made anger to him,yeah his handsome and popular but I don't like his attitude,he's my not.real.boyfriend,I just did that because we had a deal,we will be together for 1 week and after that he will never bother me again


At my classroom(lunch break)*monday*Fourth week of School

"Hey Yumi..I have something to tell you"-Ryo while he puts his hand on my desk

"What is it?!"-I said loudly

"Wow! Rude?"-He said

"Aish!..are you gonna say something? If not get lost coz I have something improtant to do!"-I said

"Okay.fine.fine....we were going to make a deal...we will be together for 1 week and then after 1 week we will then break up.DEAL!!"-He said

Wow! Such a boss! Giving me a deal but then I haven't decision yet! SCREW HIS LIFE!

"What?! No way!!"I said while standing up from my desktable

He looked up me with suprised looked

"Okay...okay...make a part of the deal too"-Ryo

"That's better...okay..umm...after 1 week we will break up right?*he nodds* and then after 1 week,you will never bother me and never ask me to be your girlfriend anymore! Deal!"-I said while walking out in the classroom but then Ryo called my me

"So? Today is monday? So? Your my girlfriend?"-He questioned me

I went silent for a awhile just thinking of the answer


"'ll be my boyfriend but..don't blame me if my actions is not like a girlfriend style...just you remember! I don't know what is love!"-I said and walk out and leaving him behind

~End of Flashback~

(Monday)*snacks time*-cafeteria-

"Now today is monday...time to break up with him,TAKASHI.YUMI"-Shimmie as she says my hole name

"Yeah...I know..."-I said

"So?..."-She said

"He didn't want to break with me today,but I'll dump him after our classes"-I said

Now that we are eating our lunch here at school,

3 hours passed

Time to go to our classes,study and listen all we learn and do,hours passed now it's time to dissmiss our class,when I went out and walk towards the parking lot to wait for my service to come,I usually not hang out with my friends's hard to comnunicate with them unlike in many it's only me,When I finally came in parking lot,I see a familiar''s

"Hey! Babe! Pls 1 more week!"-Ryo suddenly warp his hands around me

"Yah! Stop calling me babe!Now are deal is over stop messing with me!"-I yelled and trying to resist from his tight hug

"Wae?! All those days that I showed didn't even have feelings for me?! Huh?!"-Ryo,he stop from hugging but then after that he shake me so hard that I'm gonna to puke

"Yah! Stop!...yeah! I didn't have feelings for you since the day that I met you! Now stop!"-I said and finally he stopped then I qiuckly walk passed him but then he hold my wrist,pulled me and then he pinned me in the school wall near at the parking lot

"What are you doing?!"-I yelled at him

He didn't respond..he just look at me with those serious eyes,and I can see how much he loves me from those eyes...but then I already remined him..I don't know how to love a guy...and later on..he lean closer and closer that I finally can feel his hot breath OmO?! Is he gonna kiss me?! Super No!!! I don't want him to be my first kiss!! but just then my servise has been arrived...I quickly pushed him and he fell on the ground and left..before I could enter the car my last word for him is....

"Bother me again and I'll tell my parents to drop out you to this school...this is my last word....bother me again and you'll see what you want to see.....don't make me to's your fault that I'm rude at you! I used to be nice to you but then....I don't want to be nice to you....stop bothering me.."I said and enter my car..I watch him until he disapear in my sight...*sigh* I'm sorry Ryo...starting tomorrow...I'm never gonna talk to's your fault...I have already given what you it's time that I must get what I know...I'm the only girl who dosen't any feels for a guy....

Minutes passed and it's already 5:30 pm...I finally got home and greeted my parents and went at my room immedielty...I can still remember what happend awhile ago...he almost kissed me...if my service didn't come...Ryo would be my first kiss....I don't want that to be happend!

I'm here at my room doing nothing,just staring at the ceiling,it's already 8:00 and my bedtime is 9:00...Gosh! I don't know what to do! I thought for myself

"Yumi honey,come down here at eat your favorite food,prawn and sushi on the table..don't make it wait you!"-My mom said it sweetly

Omo?! Did she say Prawn and Sushi?!

"Yes! Finally! Japanese Food!I'm comming Okasama!"-I yelled and got up hurriedly and went down stairs and I immedietly sit down on the table with my family

"So? Yumi,having fun in your school?"-My mom asked me

I went silence for awhile thinking what to say

"'s pretty awesome"-I said

"That's great!Oh! I almost forgot your mom and I thinking if you finished your collage life we decide that after you graduate we will be back to Japan and make you a J-Popper is that okay with you?"-My dad asked

I got choked when dad said that! Really dad? Make me a J-Pop?! Omo!

"Uh....well.."-I said

"Well what?"-My big bro Yusei-chan said

"Well..I wanted to be a it okay?"-I said

I'd like to be a J-Popper..but Nami said that she wanted to be a K-pop here in Seoul...she said it's fun to be a idol her in I might think..I wanted to be a K-pop artist..

When I looked up and see dad,his lips curved into a smile

"Well...if my princess said it..okay! You'll be a k-popper if that's make you happy!"-My dad said

"Yay! Arigato!"-I yelled in happiness

"Your welcome Yumi"-Mom and Dad said it in churos

When we finished our dinner I went immedielty went into my room and take a bath and went to sleep...


~ hellow! How's everybody? Nice day or bad day? If Nice that's Nice XD if bad well..that's bad XD hahahahahahaha great day to everyone!

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