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I am lying down in my bed,Wondering where Kazuma is? That Moron sits in my head most of the time!...Why?..Why does he bother me so much?..Do wind magic users have such effect on people!?..Hey you people out there!..Yes you the one reading my story right now!..Is it normal for a boy to occupy your thoughts each and every time?..Tell me I want to know!?

My Door slides open..a young boy with blonde hair and wide green emerald eyes enters my room!..I didn't even need a second to think because I knew it was Ren!

I didn't even need a second to think because I knew it was Ren!

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REN- Hey! Ayano...You ok!?

AYANO- Yeah!...I'm fine I guess!

REN - I am sorry for what Kazuma did today!..I know you are hurt

Hurt!..Me?? huh! no why does everyone think Kazuma's action bothers me so much, besides a Bodyguard he's nothing to me!.....Right???

AYANO- ha ha ha! why would I be..wait a minute how did you know? weren't you in school when all this happened ??

Ren's pretty little face turned pale and now I knew he was hiding something! I narrow my eyes ,lower my eyebrows,clench my jaws and give him a death stare! My face already feels like it's lit on fire and I am sure he realised that. He was icy with panic as if he just realised he said something he shouldn't have. This time I am not letting him go without any explaination.

AYANO-Ren!..if you don't tell me what's going on I swear on my Enraiha i'll...

I could see how his spine froze in fear!.His green emerald eyes had minimized their size.The anger within me had a complete control over me,I don't know what to think Why Kazuma and Ren are hiding stuffs from me? Am I that Useless?? Goddammit! I could ruin the world at this pace. 

REN - Ayano!...It is a Catastrophe! (tells in a trembling voice)

AYANO- What do you mean? (questions)

REN- It is a catastrophe Ayano!..The beginning of the end! (replies in a confused manner)

My eyes lit up in curiosity! What does he mean by the beginning of the end? What does he mean by a catastrophe? Why didn't anything strike into my head even when this little person Knew about this catastrophe! And what catastrophe? I ran out of my room , Scanning my eyes everywhere ! I have to talk to Dad about this ..I'm sure he knew it but why didn't he tell me?

I slide the door open and enter the room hurridly! A slight aroma of freshly made tea dwells with the sound a few distinct chatters.  Dad sits to my right in the corner of that room. Gunmetalish grey long hairs, wrinkled eyes, Time ravaged wrinkled skin, always wearing his angelic and pleasant smile , upon seeing me his eyes lighten up and with his soft but commanding voice he Exclaimed "Ayano!". He holds a small cup of tea in his hands and takes a sip from it before proceeding with his next question!

 He holds a small cup of tea in his hands and takes a sip from it before proceeding with his next question!

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JUGO- What happened Ayano??..You look tensed!

AYANO- You knew it didn't you??

Dad's pleasant smile suddenly drops into a horizontal line. His eyes widen in dismay , he instanly glances down to my right shoulder exchanging looks with someone whom I assume to be Ren!

AYANO- Answer me dad!..You knew it didn't you??..about the catastrophe!??

JUGO- Ayano sit down first!

AYANO- No dad!..I need answers! I am the keeper of Enraiha, The next head of the kannagi's , the one who will lead the fire magic users after you and even after knowing all this what made you to keep me out of something so huge ,that is going to happen. Why dad? Am I so useless that I am not even worth being a part of saving the world!

JUGO- Ayano! Some things are better to be kept off a few people!

AYANO- Ohh..So I am the only person who belongs to the so called few people!? But kazuma, Ren, Tachibana, You all will be a part of it?? I am not weak dad and I will do anything to save this world or save us from this catastrophe even if it means I would have to die!..I would die happily saving you all rather than sitting at home clueless and seeing you all die! I have always wanted to fight dad..Why are you keeping me from it now?

Even Before I could realise what words escaped my mouth! My vision went blurry, I had tears in my eyes and why wouldn't I, everyone around me has been hiding something from me and something this huge , don't they trust me that I will be able to protect all of them!?

KAZUMA- Get a hold on yourself Ayano!?

I turn around and see Kazuma stand at the door! His eyes instantly locked with mine! After this morning now is when he returns? What was he doing so long? Wait has he been in the hospital for so long?

KAZUMA- I know what you are thinking and yes we hid some stuffs from you but only because we thought involving you into small matters like this would be a ridiculous idea when we could already handle it.

Kazuma's words seemed as if it was a really small issue, wait then why did ren call it a catastrophe?

AYANO- Why did you call it a catastrophe ren?

KAZUMA- Because that's what we told him ,we told him it is a catastrophe we could handle ,where we didn't have to divert you from your classes!

Ok is it just me or is Kazuma really trying to convince me that suddenly everyone is bothered about my classes and me joining back school!??? And this concern is enough for me to confirm my suspicion that something is definitely off! because last time when we had to face the ignoble no one really seemed to care me not attending classes and Now , something is totally cooking up inside his laboratory sort of brain! Now I feel the only way to find out what is off is by playing along! I have a feeling how much ever I try and open up to them or question them about what's going on that much they would deny it!

AYANO- Oh well! I am  sorry dad if I crossed the line.

JUGO- It's ok Ayano!..Take some rest i'm sure you'll be ok

I turn towards Ren & realise I simply scared this little boy!

AYANO- I am really sorry ren! I shouldn't have scared you liked that!

REN - It's alright Ayano ! You don't have to apologise!

Before exiting , I glance at Kazuma...Trying to find answers in his big brown eyes!...and all I could see was his cold icy self!

KAZUMA- Hey! Jugo I jst came to tell you that I will have to quit being Ayano's bodyguard for a while!

JUGO- It's fine Kazuma , I get it! I'm sure my daughter can protect herself till then.

My ears instantly picked up those words that escaped Kazuma's mouth ! He is quitting to be my bodyguard for a few days??? That little organ that sits inside my ribcage which is responsible for circulating blood and magic to my whole body starts beating against my chest...real hard! Ouch why does it hurt so much to hear those words from his mouth!


When she was yelling at Jugo by claiming we didn't trust her ! I had no other choice but to make her believe that everything was just a small confusion, To make her believe that nothing was going to happen! and if something ever did I would have taken care of it! I know she must be feeling useless for not being involved!, When she said she would die to protect all of us that is when I had to tell her that that is what the reason we have been keeping all this from her because we don't want her to be hurt at any cost! She is the next kannagi leader and she has to survive first.

The way she believed my words of being considerate about her classes totally confused me, I don't know if I should be worried that she is so Naive to believe this stupid lies of mine? or should I be relieved that my words are convincing enough? or should I believe that she believed what I said and is not up to something else? The look that she had on her face while leaving is something I still need to figure it  out!


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