Chapter 1:Apollo and a fight

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This is what Apollo looks like, but he has Amber eyes.

and all chapters will be rewritten, but are the same either way. Also to clarify, [Y/N] isn't allowed to leave the house while the gems and Steven are on a mission because Garnet's future vision doesn't work on her, and they're(Garnet) is worried that she'll get hurt, An because I said so.

[B/F/N] = best friends name

Pronouns : they/them

(For specific reasons your friend in this will not have a specific gender because I want you to be able to choose their gender, or keep it the way it is)



Being a crystal gem was fun for [Y/N] but not when her little brother could go on missions, and she couldn't.

The girl huffed slightly as she kept her mismatched eyes on the screen, but she was unable to keep her focus on the screen. [Y/N] layed on her back, staring up at the ceiling.

'your just a human' Pearl had said 

"I can be strong too" she mumbled, rolling over on her stomach. 

[Y/N] looked at Lion, who had the largest Smirk a Lion could muster. "You thinking what I'm thinking" the girl said with a smirk, Lion stood up as if signaling 'get on', [Y/N] obliged, grabbing hold of his mane while he quickly ran out he front door and down to the beach.

The girl cheered the pink lion on as he ran quickly onto the water. [Y/N] turned to look back at her home as it strayed farther and farther away, she hasn't been this far before. "Lion turn back" the girl ordered, the large animal ignored her and let out a roar, opening a portal.

As Lion jumped through the portal, [Y/N] let out a yelp of surprise. [Y/N] squeezed her eyes shut as they sped through the portal, but her eyes snapped open when her body was enveloped in a freezing temperature. The girl scanned her surroundings and found that they were now in a forest.

 "Lion why the fuck would you bring me here?"

 The large animal ignored her and started trudging through the snow as the girl hugged his mane.

---Back at the temple---

 "[Y/N]! We're home!" Steven yelled as he jumped off the warp pad, "[Y/N]?" Her repeated walking up the steps to their room, only to find an abandoned console. 

 "Lion?" The boy called, he walked towards the bathroom door and opened it, finding nobody there.

 "She's not here..." Steven mumbled , worry plastered on his features. Pearl opened her mouth to speak, but a knock at the door stopped her before she could. Steven opened the door, revealing [Y/N]'s friend, [B/F/N], "hey is [Y/N] home, she hasn't answered any of my texts, or calls" they said with a concerned tone of voice, "and nobody's seen her around town" They looked at the gems, who had looks of pure worry written on their faces. 

"Well we need to find her!" Steven yelled, running past [B/F/N]. The gems looked at each other and followed Steven, [B/F/N] running closely behind

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