PART 3️⃣

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The next morning ,Y/n woke up with a headache.  "Crap. Why did I drank last night . I hate having headache ," Y/n murmured while holding her head .

"Wait . Where am I ? This is not my room,". Y/n started to get panick when she realized she was in a completely different room . "What happened last night ? Oh lord ." She tried to remember but couldn't . "Hyein ! Hyein ! Are you there ?",cried Y/n but there was no respond . She was all alone in the big room .

"Damn , this room is super big . It's big as my living room ," Y/n amazed . There was an armchair facing  the rectangular window with over large curtain . On her left ,there was a grey wardrobe ,next to the bathroom . The walls were all light grey ,the ceiling was white and a beautiful chandelier in the middle . "This dude must be super rich ,"  thought Y/n . She was still confused how did she get in here .

While she was admiring the room , suddenly her room door cracked open and a guy entered . He was bringing a tray with food . "Who are you ?"asked Y/n in aghast . She pulled her blanket up to her face . The guy put the tray on the table beside the armchair ,didn't answered her question . " Who are you ? Why am I here ? Where's Hyein ?Hyein !" Y/n shouted . She wanted to shout again but the guy quickly jumped over her bed and close her mouth . Y/n was shocked by his sudden action . They were so close .

Y/n stunned by his look - he has brown hair , beautiful and attractive brownish eyes . He has muscular body and his skin was very pale . "Damn he's hot ", thought Y/n . "Snap out of it Y/n , he's a bad guy !" . Y/n quickly pushed him away . He got off from the bed .
"Who are you ? How did I get here ? Where is Hyein ?"asked Y/n in a low voice .
" I'm Jimin and your friend is in another room , with Tae ," answered Jimin while his eyes couldn't took off from Y/n .
" I wanna see her now ,please ."
" I'll bring you to her but before that you need to take your bath and have your breakfast . You can wear the clothes in the wardrobe ." After saying that ,he walked out of the room . Y/n quickly got off from the bed and took shower to refresh herself .

While she was having breakfast , someone knocked on the door . Jimin entered the room . " Let's go ." Y/n blinked a few times , clueless with what Jimin said. " You said you wanted to meet your friend ," told Jimin when he saw y/n's clueless face . "Aaaa , right ." Y/n quickly finished her last bite of bread then followed Jimin .

"Wow," murmured Y/n ,the moment she stepped out of the room . The hall was so big . Along the hall , there were picture frames hang on the walls . " This must be his family ," thought Y/n when she saw a picture of a family . But there's one picture that caught her attention.  The picture was so weird and creepy - people sucking and drinking blood , like those vampires . Then ,there's a picture of a castle . " What is this place ?" asked y/n . "This is my home ,"answered Jimin shortly . "Are we there yet ? Why is it so long ,"sighed Y/n .

"Almost there ."

Jimin opened the door and you saw Hyein with a guy . She looked afraid . "Hyein ," called Y/n . The moment Hyein saw y/n ,she ran towards Y/n and hugged her tightly . "I'm afraid ,"whispered Hyein . She was so relief when Y/n was with her . "Shhh .. hey ,calm down . I'm here ," y/n rubbed Hyein's back, trying to calm her down .

"Who are you guys actually ? What do you want from us ?" Y/n asked the two guys .

"Don't pretend you don't know who we are . You know us ," said Taehyung firmly . "Stop pretending ," added Jimin .

"What do you mean stop pretending ? We really don't know who you are ," answered Y/n . She was pissed off with the two guys . Jimin tried to look right into Y/n's eyes ,but then he startled .

Jimin's POV

I tried to look Y/n in the eyes , trying to read her mind . But I was startled . I couldn't read her mind ,as if there's a wall shielding her mind . No matter how hard I tried , but it failed . So ,I tried to read Hyein's mind.  It worked . She was afraid right now and kept trying to remember about what happened to them last night . They were telling the truth . I let out a relief . Taehyung turned around and looked at me . Wanna know what they were thinking .

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