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Roger's POV

It was a busy day after things done with the promotions and awards for the film 'Bohemian Rhapsody', a biopic of us... Queen but mostly centered on Fred and his legacy. We did changed up things, added some inside joke of ours turn them into reality and replacing my cupboard incident with a coffee machine incident. I personally do not want our fights and arguments on why add a song, mostly on my beautiful song I'm Inlove With My Car but what's a band without those arguments, that's just straight up bullocks if you ask me. Anyhow... Me, Bri and Marry agreed for us to enjoy ourselves to a local pub we first performed at as a group and as Smile back then with Tim. It's much different now, much larger, much more dim and dark yet the sense of the old pub is still there. The old rustic but dark painted wood as walls, silver metal lining in the middle of the glass ceiling and wall, in the middle of the brown and white floor and wall also. "It's much more modernized now than it is, much more young lads here and there." Bri start off as we got into our private booth seat just before the back of the pub, enough to see the stage and the bar. "Ofcourse Bri, you know teens these days." Marry points off as she sips on her red wine, I got my booze on hand and started to down it little by little looking out into the crowd. "Much like Roger here..." Bri jokes as I stoop my look at him, him and Marry slightly chuckling in the expectations of my mad look. I laughed back softly, remembering the days we're we are completed and back despite Fred's condition we got through much more peacefully during those times. I stopped laughing and frowned at my drink. "If you're thinking of Fred again... He'll he mad and will be already slapping you in his defense that you're wasting the fun." Bri leads up his booze up to us for a cheer, his sad unexplained smile covers himself again as Marry mirrors his face to me, she pats my should as we did our cheers on our drinks.

"I think we have a performer..." I point off after the crowd gathered up in front of the stage but we could still see as to our joy, Brian intrigue by the girl setting up her drum in a shy way as a man joins in her annoyed and looking her down. Brian moves his phase to the stage as so did I, Marry chuckles to herself as she fixed a hand to support her chin. "She's the girl we saw awhile ago outside, being treated badly by the guy and the blonde girl for her electric guitar as well as keyboard." She stated again which only fueled my anger inside, I hope she makes those two regret and put them down to shame... And if those two still have faces as thick as mine then I'll shine in just for her. "I bet 40 that the man can't even properly play the electric guitar." Brian starts, his smile is much ticking with annoyance like I am with the other two for the poor girl. The crowd began to throw hate at the band as they test their instruments before going making me cringe at the same thing back then for Queen and Smile. "I bet 70 that the blonde will just plain out do nothing but be flirty with the crowd." Marry adds on, the both of them getting their wallets out as the man announced the new performers. I smirked on as I look back at the two white haired friends of mine smirking back. "I bid if the girl sings beautifully, elegantly and truly upbeat with her drums." I lay down my 100 over their money as they grew large eyes, looking back at the stage ignoring them as they got into introducing. "... And I'm, uhm... Y/N, I play the drum and I lead in singing, I also play the bass most of the time." The electric guitar man shushed her off as the crowd grew tired but she only got giggles and chuckles out from us, she is truly shy but out there. Much or less like Fred, much more shy and less confident. "Yes and we are Distress!" She screams through the mic happily, slightly forgetting her nervousness from before as the key starts off, literally the blonde hitting only two keys like a child would as a present. "Bloody knew it." Marry claps to herself as we shook our heads and looked back as the guitar softly plays, much strongly than intended, over power I the keys. A much familiar tune entering my senses as I squint my eyes behind my now down shades. "I'm going to say I knew it but this tune-" I nod back to Bri but before he could finish my mostly clear ears heard what I thought people won't do. We stop dead in our position as Marry did as well but with a smile growing to her face. I got my shades up as me and BRI slowly turn towards the howling drummer.

"Such a clean machine..." Her voice sounds off in the crowd, the drums pumps like my lyrics in addition to the two. Covering their weak start to a much more focus on drums tune, the crowd went wild to the girl's cute but rapsy voice. "If Fred is tricking us from up there and I will be much thankful than mad." Bri pulls off, neither of the three of us looking at each other but much more focused on the drummer. She radiated too much energy, a energy that pulls you from the crowd and connects with her with just only her voice to a point that when she looks at you, you'll be much dreaming and high. "She feels like Freddie back then..." I gasped a breath I didn't knew I held onto, rubbing my cheeks and chin towards my unbelieving brain on what I am seeing and hearing now. The crowd continues to go wild, much more screaming her name, Y/N. The blonde looks from the crowd then to the drummer in such spite as well as the guitarist rolling his eyes to himself as he plays. "Tell my boy..." She starts off the climax as she changes some of the lyrics as she is. I fucking love this damsel already, if only I we're to be in my 20s again then I'll bloody love her to the brim. She ends off slowing the beat down then standing all tired after, slightly breathing in and out. She got her bass guitar as fast and started to point off and support the other instruments. "I might not be playing but I personally think she's the whole band structure." Marry pouts sipping her wine, me and Bri nodded in agreement pouting as well before returning our gaze front back. "Hey lads!... It's Queen... Let's go! Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled down low..." They transition off to Another One Bites the Dust, she continues to look down to her bass as she sings and plays. She maybe do not want to pull attention to her as she stands behind her drum kit just for her band mates to not be mad at her but based on those stares, it's not just that yet any thing she does is eye catching in performing even to her Yellow Submarine, TheBeatles shirt. "I think it's quite enough drama to look at." I got my shades down and started to sing with Bri and Marry as the song continues, finishing out first drinks in the process. "Again we are Distress, goodnight!" They began to head off, their instruments back in stage. After a few minutes, they've got out from the back into the party, the blonde is much like a fame whore. A literal whore and fame seeker as the man is simply a bitch to start off, he drinks and got into a fight as fast as lightning. Y/N got out from the black curtains seconds after the fight erupted, as the guards escorted them to fight out. She silently made her way into the crowd with a red sleeveless AC/DC shirt on now, red shades cover her up as her hair was down currently and not in a pony tail from the performance. She kept her tight black trousers still with her white and red Adidas on, making her way to the bar where less people are. "You think we should call her to talk? Maybe offer her training?" Brian asks looking over me and Marry as we got ourselves our second and maybe last booze. She has a great potential and I can't stand the other two further torturing her anymore. "I think we don't need to call her up anymore." Marry giggles with Brian at her point as I walk off to her and introduce her to her future and much more successful career, did I told you it'll be fun?

"So what do you say?" I look over her then to Marry beside me and Bri on the end. She sat by the seat I was in before, she smiled back all shy and red after meeting and all. She nods and shakes hands with us, escaping with our limo getting her bass in the process. Bri someone get her drum kits to the studio, I know it. The night at the studio was nothing but singing, playing then signing a contract but also her caller her beloved parents for permission as she is still a teen almost to her 20s. We never did come back to the pub, well not after the other two of her band and with just this miracle, I knew that Freddie is still indeed here with us. Wanting the futures of potentials like he is back then have a way like he did with Smile. Rest well my friend, we will and the future will carry on your legacy.

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