Instagram, Books and Corona oh my

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(feel free to murder me for that title Btw, I'm not changing it XD)

So I've made changes to my instagram @/kcalleryk recently, starting with a new theme which is multifandom! I already have a Remus Sanders edit posted on there and tommorow (maybe tonight!) I'll be posting a Logan Sanders edit on there too!

I also want to talk about this acc in general, if you check my announcements you would see that I am going to rewrite the first chapter (maybe the second as well) of Story Of An Ice Witch...

Why? Because I had no idea what I was doing back then and even though the book is still in the REALLY early stages, it's cringey and I hate it... So be on the lookout for that!

I was going to publish the next chapter of SOAIW a couple months ago but then my load died which had my saved copy on pages which I can't get back anymore :(
So I lost motivation because I'm a procrastinator and I was too lazy to write it again... But I will get there y'all! I promise!

J hope you guys are staying safe, there was a positive case recorded yesterday at the other high school so now they've closed until the end of the week, and every second person at my school is wearing a face mask as well as washing hands and sanitising as soon as we get back inside from break... Scary stuff bit I'm well aware that we have some of the shortest numbers compared to the rest of the world...

Anyways, I'm writing this at nearly 9pm and I need mah sleep so I'm going to leave it there, if you have any questions or concerns about anything you can message me on either Wattpad or Instagram as I'm mainly active on those...

And Until Next Time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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