Our Backstory

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Our name is Karma Sah'paire, we were raised in a reasonable big family of Eight. Our Mum and Dad passed away when we are still young with only the protection from our older brother, Wolfirr. Wolfy is the second oldest and she's our older sister, Zach' is the middle pup, he calms down Wolfirr and Wolfy when things get heated up. Ales'x is the second youngest, though being born male, Ales'x is a femboy but it's natural for some Twilights for that. And the youngest is Kannairr, Kai as we call her, lastly is our adopted brother, Kaito. He's a Twilight Tuxedo cat.

We lived in a small village called Lunar. The War of the Title raged on and our village was Pillage by the Fire Clan, Wolfirr took care of us and took shelter in an isolated cave. Back when we were young, Kaito never joined with us and preferred reading a book or learning something new. Us played a lot and practiced our powers. Our father taught us how to use it, while in the cave, we think and think of our next action, then we were able to combine our powers by becoming one. We bear the name 'Karma' as Kaito gave it to us to punish those who broke the balance. After Ten years, we learned about the legends and thought of teaming up and defeat the fire clan.

We went to the Twilight clan, Kaito parted path and take refuge in the Feline village of Nekou, we met up with the legends and fought F'vi'kush head on. After that we returned to our home village of Lunar which now is an abandoned and took what we can use and built a shelter deep in the forest of Twi'ka and lived there ever since. We were near one of the portal to the human parallel land which we called "Is'zlarr krre' Alaskae-Ruszya Prre'kuske Purtel" or "Island of Alaski-Ruski Parallel Portal". We decided to patrol the Portal's border, there we made contact with humans which was exploring the land. We stepped in luckily before they was able to reach the portal. We divided bodies and took them down, one by one dead. We combined bodies again and let the last one live.

The one we let go came back and broke a promise so we killed him but we failed again to get all of them. They came back this time they surrounded the entire island, luckily they didn't discover the portal. They shot us with this weird stuff that made us fall asleep, By the time we were awake, we were captured by them. We didn't like it but at least they give us this good food so we made the most of it. We were used for their experiments and makes us interact with other entities the also got. Not much but while held captive like an animal, they made me interact with our future mate, Malo. We hanged out and eventually became mates.

We escaped and had my mate train for what my Homeland had in store. He made it and now we live in the shelter we built. We had a family with 3 pups and lived until one day when I was out hunting I saw the 3 legends injured. I took them in and cared for them and having learned the Kaito is still alive, we send him a letter of our shelter. He made it and now I'm training him to fight and use our family's Magic, The Element. Our family plays with all Elements of this world; Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, Plasma, Gravity, Time, Life, and Death.

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Karma trains Kaito, Human crosses the Alaki-Ruski Portal and now last, Karma aids the Humans and more

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