You're Hanging Out And You Get Your Period

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                                                                             Requested by Zokuxi69

Robert: would try and be somewhat supportive but would be just as concerned and shocked as you are, making everything incredibly awkward. You'd make a fuss and apologise about making things awkward but he'd play things cool and say something like "no, no it's fine umm you can still stay. I mean, if you want. Not if you're feeling unwell though."

Eli: Would definitely check on you and ask if you're okay. He'd make sure you have everything you need then offer to take you home. But he wouldn't press on or get too involved because he trusts that you know what you're doing and you probably don't wanna talk about it.

Ryan: absolute sweetheart. Would let you borrow his sisters' stuff if you needed it. Offers you pain killers, chocolates, ice cream, hot water bottle, pillows, blankets, whatever you want basically. Encourages you to make yourself at home cause he hates seeing you uncomfortable or in pain. 

Louis: Wouldn't hesitate to go out and buy you stuff asap. Would let you wear his tshirts. Gives you a massive hug and plays with your hair while you have a bit of a cry or a frustrated rant. 

Josh: would try his best to cheer you up and take your mind off things. Distracts you with music or a movie or game (usually Guitar Hero). Lets you nap on his sofa and eat all his snacks. Knows you can be a bit cranky so tries his best to not get on your nerves.

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