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𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒃, 𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 - but when it comes to you; he finds himself threading on a possibility that should be easily cut off by the most inept of idiots. 

Still, he wouldn't give up. 

He couldn't give up, even if he wanted to.

How many times has he tried to capture your attention on him? Kiting you with soft gazes, whispered words he could never utter to others, and tender touches reserves only for you, only to spur him on doing this endless tasks for the taste of your reciprocation.

How many effort does have he put to put an indent of his affections on you? Those little trinkets and temple charms he selected for you and left on your room... were they just decoration for you? Did they hold a deeper meaning as he hold his attention for your liking?

And how many instances did he try to make you see him in a light other than being your sensei. Because it's everyday, and it will never stop unless you ask him.

Uncountable. Indefinite. Immeasurable.

And if Sanemi did try to count each and every effort, it'll last him a weeks, months, just trying to refresh those little things he did for you.

It hurts him and his pride of how small of an impact his little advances on you seems to disappear around your vicinity.

It was too much, he knew that. But perhaps it was his hopeless dream of the redeeming possibility of you accepting him that he couldn't grasp and stop gambling.

So he kept adding more number to it, even if it became as unhealthy as the indent of lead on his back and the crack of hole in his pulsing chest.

It was a heavy responsibility, but he craved it to be filled with nothing more, but your sensibility.

The wind hashira set his gaze on you with a prying stare that often softened around the edges; lit up with the shine of longing, and varnish of entreat.

Never a day have strayed where he thinks your guarded eyes looked divine, like a mirror he wish to see full of himself.

Those lashes reminds him of the branches in winter - curled and soft, and beautiful on your porcelain (color) skin makes them tender and flattering to stare at.

Sanemi wish to touch the softness of your hair, comb his fingers into them, only just to feel just how silky they really look under the haze of the natural light.

Your nose, and your lips - even the space on your forehead made him shudder of the thought of capturing them not only with his stare; but finally immense himself in doting you with love that you would resonate.

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