33 | Unity of the Packs

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The castle seemed smaller these days, in comparison to when they first arrived. It was now filled with not only their two packs but the entirety of the others too.

All the alphas had locked themselves in a war meeting room earlier in the day, probably conversing over their tactics for what was to come.

The waiting was absolutely crushing Alisa.

"How long does it take to discuss battle strategies?" She huffed out, slumping down on a velvet-green armchair in the grand library.

"Be patient, unity is a delicate task," responded Ryder in a wise tone.

"He's right, you know. Things don't just happen. They have to discuss every possible way forward and even what could hinder their plan," commented Parker who was seated on a two seater plush couch beside his mate, Maya.

"It is always best to be prepared," added Cora as she placed some books down on the table in front of them.

"I also think it's time," Ryder added softly as he nudged Alisa's shoulder while he gave her the knowing look.

The young man had been begging his mate to finally reveal to his father that they were in fact mates. It had been two weeks since their fated kiss and each day, they had stolen more in dark corners of the palace.

Alisa was still unsure how everybody would react to the news.

"Should we start with something easy - our friends?" Ryder's voice travelled through the mind link easily and smoothly.

Alisa's hesitant nod was enough to beam a smile across his face.

"So, uh, we have something we need to tell you all," Ryder started and all eyes instantly looked up at him with curiosity and a hint of determination.

He was their future Alpha, after all.

Those that would grow and serve him when he finally took leadership, always felt the pull to obey just that little bit stronger.

"What is it?" Cora asked gently, the first one to dare speak in response.

"I want to first apologise for keeping such a secret from you all but I did it out of love and respect. I hope you can all understand and forgive me," he replied, a tad shaky.

Alisa could sense that he had never truly lied to his friends before and she felt awful that she had been the first one to ask that of him.

The other three wolves' eyes widened in surprise but there wasn't any hint of insincerity or betrayal.

"Just spit it out, wolf boy," Maya stated with a roll of her eyes.

Alisa tried to keep in her giggle, knowing that even finding her mate hadn't brightened up her personality.

It gave her a sense of peace that perhaps she too could keep parts of herself despite the mate bond with the prince.

Ryder looked over at Alisa, awaiting her cue. He would only spill the beans if she was truly ready to embrace their bond and the new life that would come with it.

The brunette girl took a deep breath before stuttering out, "I'm Ryder's mate."

Parker nearly dropped the glass he'd been holding in shock, "Sorry what?"

"It's true," came Ryder's defiant reply. "We are your future Alpha and Luna. We apologise for keeping it a secret for so long but it would change everything and we needed time to process it."

The redhead put down his glass and got up to meet Ryder where he stood beside Alisa's armchair.

"I am so relieved for you," came Parker's reply before he engulfed his best mate into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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