Sacred Balls

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I was woken up when i felt the sunrays hitting my face, i slowly opened up my eyes and saw the beautiful scenery outside. I didnt knew this place could be this beautiful?

If i could just have my own mansion and lives like this everyday?. Im pretty certain i wont get tired of waking up seeing this everyday.

"I guess it wont rain anymore? I think we're good to go" i spoke up to myself and stood up from the king size bed and fixed it 

after fixing the bed i grabbed all my belongings and went to my mom and sister's room but i was getting lost due to how huge this mansion is, i couldnt even tell where i am now.

"fuck it!" i groaned and scratched my head as i was getting lost in this mansion until someone spoke here in the halls

"Where do you think you're going huh??" a man with deep voice spoke making me stop and look back

it was that fucking pervert again!

i turned around and immediately went to him so i could confront him and ask where he putted my mom and sister

"WHERE THE FUCK MY MOM AND SISTER IS?!" i yelled at him but he gave me a smirk 

"i asked you first miss, where are you going??" he calmly said and putted his hands to his pockets

"we're gonna leave now, thank you for your kindness" i answered and bowed at him, i was about to leave him when he grabbed my wrist

"dont you want me to answer your question??" he calmly said again making me annoyed at him 

i cant really tell if he's being kind to or he's just playing with me or even teasing??

"i dont accept replies from strangers" i boringly answered and escaped my wrist from him when he suddenly laughed

"Im Yoo Jeongyeon CEO of TWICE Company groups, now.. am i still a stranger to you??" he raised his eyebrows and wiggled it playfully

"the hell i care?? where's my mom and sister!" i asked once again but he chuckled while looking up

"i thought you dont accept answers from strangers??" he chuckled making me lose it all up, and due to annoyance i stepped hardly on his foot making him groan in pain again

never underestimate a human bunny Mr. Pervert not me!

"YAHHHH!!! YOU DID IT AGAIN!!!" that Mr. Yoo yelled as he eases the pain ive did towards him

"never ever, degrade a woman like me Mr. Yoo" i seriously while looking down to him with a glare

he immediately stood up straight on me and grabbed my hands over to pull it up then pushed me over in the wall to pin me, he looked directly to my and scanned me with his maniac eyes

"you dont know how a crazy woman annoys me miss, i helped you last night and even let you stay over my home and this is what you'll repay me in exchange?? first hitting me on my sacred balls now stepping into my gucci shoes?? this isnt fair! you're not gonna leave." he firmly said with his eyes furrowed 

"im gonna call the cops!" i yelled at him trying to escape his tight grip

"im a billionaire miss.. you cant. i have all the privilege in this world" he's seriously making me feel like im just a bean to him he can step on

"fuck you!" i cursed and escaped from him

i finally got free from his grip so i took the chance to stay away from him

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