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name: Niki Carter

                                                                                   ART NOT MINE!!!

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Age: currently 17 (ye I know there's gonna be a huge age difference between Levi and her but who even cares at this point)

height: 5.0 ft

more info: Niki is a kind-hearted girl, who will usually not voice her own opinions, unless absolutely necessary. Her whole life she has kept a great secret. She has a constant ember burning inside of her heart. Very small, but this allows her to create burning blue flames whenever and however she pleases. She has always had this, and for as long as she can remember, known she had it. It was like how a normal person moves and arm or a leg, they just do it. However, she wouldn't dream of using it to harm someone, and her whole life, no one has any idea about her supernatural abilities. However, when the worlds newest titan shifter, Eren, transforms for the first time, she gets a boost of confidence, and realises that if she can persuade the cruel world that she is not in fact the devil, or a demon from the flames of hell, then she can use her fire to help save humanity from extinction, and destroy the titans once and for all.

after finding out about her powers, her parents sold her off to some dodgy men. But they were actually very accepting and respectful to her, they treated her like a younger sister. Their names were Rodrik, James, Ren and Thobias. She trusted them, and from this, she learnt that not everyone is as they seem, and to always consider what might be going on someone elses life. Most of her good qualities came from her brothers. They taught her how to fight hand to hand, and how to use a knife in case someone tried to take advantage of her. They really cared about her, and new that the world was a cruel place that would try to destroy her.

It has always been her dream to join the scouts, and eventually become part of Levi's squad. She admired the man, she even had a tiny crush on him. She looked up to him, seeing as he overcame his height, and is now humanities strongest soldier. Her brothers would always tease her about her tiny crush on Levi. They were all in the Garrisons regiment after Niki managed to convince them to stop dealing with illegal drugs. Although they were in the garrisons, Niki had her heart set on joining the scouts, which her brothers disagreed with at first, but then eventually gave in, and decided to tease her by asking if it was because of Levi, to which she replied with a continuous round of no's whilst covering her face and accidentally setting a small fire. oh yeah, her brothers know about her abilities too, but they love her too much to ever tell anyone.

She also loves to play the guitar. It calms her down when she gets stressed out, or has a wave of bad memories. Her brother Ren taught her.

The start is when she's leaving her brothers to go and join the cadets in training, and her brothers are being- well- wimps- to say the least

hope ya enjoy the story folks!

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