R.I.P ice cream😔😔

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A/n LMAO SO I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING- JEEKJDKWMSKEJDRKNDJE this is gonna suck pretty bad since I'm writing it :p also what's going on actually happened to me a few days ago and I'm still sad. Well the ice cream part happened- anyways I'll shut up and start writing.
Hajime POV

I checked the time on my phone before putting it away.It was 6:50 meaning I have about 25 minutes to get ready. I decided I could take a quick shower so I quickly got in.

*time skip to when he's finished to shower brought to you by my terrible writing skills*

I checked the time once more as I got out, 7:00. I grabbed my usual outfit and put it on.(a/n dude idk how to describe clothes 😔) As I finished tying my tie I made my way out to the fountain. (A/n did I forget to mention that this is a non killing game au- I mean Junko is still obsessed with despair but not as much as she actually is lol) Of course, Chiaki was already there waiting for us. She's pretty quick now that I think of it.

I saw chiaki wave in my direction,
"Hey Hajimeme."

I waved back, "Sup Chiaki, by the way can you not call me Hajimeme?"

Chiaki simply replied, "Nope"

I rolled my eyes and sat down while pulling my phone out to wait for the others. We were quite early (if that's what you call 6 minutes early). Slowly but surely, everyone else made their way to the fountain where we promised to meet up (since I'm allowed there). I got off my phone after seeing Sonia,Gundham,And Kazuichi in the corner of my eye.

"greetings!!!" Sonia yelled.
"You guys are quite early!" Exclaimed Kazuichi.
"Yeah guess so" I said while chuckling a bit. But again, early if you can call 6 minutes that is. Mikan, Ibuki, And Komaeda still needed to come so we decided to wait a little longer. Even though only 1 minute more had passed, I was getting bored so I pulled up the group chat.

Orange Juice: What up dudes

Gamer girl Owo: dude you're right next to us Tf

Orange Juice: I'm bored okay-

Hope Addict: wow, have you really been waiting that long? I'm so sorry.. you probably don't want me to come anymore...

Orange Juice: just get your ass over here komaeda

Hope Addict: well I'm almost there already so

Orange Juice: then stop texting I don't want you walking into trees and shit

Hope Addict: Okay...

Orange Juice: now bye- see you when you get here

I turned off my phone and watched chiaki play her games as she had put her phone away to continue it.

"H-Hey s-sorry we're l-late!" Mikan said nervously.
"Oh hey Mikan, Ibuki!" Chiaki said as she put her gameboy down.
"Guess who chugged a thing of Cup noodles before coming here!" Ibuki yelled with excitement.
"Ibuki are you okay? Why'd you do that?" I asked slightly concerned.
"Yep! Ibuki is okay!"
"Well okay then.." I replied while staring into the distance.
"Hello everyone! (A/n ITS ME NAGITO KOMAEDA ON THE NINTENDO DS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH sorry-) I'm sorry for being so late, I actually did walk into a tree..." Komaeda explained slowly.
"I told you to stop texting didn't I?"
"Anyways I'm just glad you made it!"
(A/n I wrote "maid" instead of "made" and I'm dying rn 😂😂)"

"Shouldn't we get going Humans? (Except you Sonia)" Gundham asked
(A/n omg another one I'm so sorry lmao- anyways idk how to really do gundham's character so he will either be a bit different or not saying anything at all)

We started walking to the ice cream shop I planned to go to. I was obviously in the front since I was leading the way there.

*time skip to when they get there 'cause I refuse to write about walking (or 'cause I'm lazy as balls)*
(A/n as was my 666th word 😌)

When we got there we had to wait in line before ordering which was boring. Wait that's something Izuru would say...  anyways when it was our turn to order (me being somehow behind everyone had to wait even longer.) When it was eventually my turn I got two scoops, one bubble gum, the other Chocolate. I got these because there was no orange flavoured ice cream which was disappointing.

As we walk out and enjoy our ice cream I saw the top scoop kind of almost fall off which was very concerning so I tried to get it back to the centre. BUT THEN IT JUST HAD TO FALL WHILE I WAS WALKING!

"NONONONONONONONO-" I yelled while trying to save my Now falling ice cream. I was too late, my ice cream was on the floor melting...


"pfft-" Komaeda tried to hold back his laughter.

"N-NO!" I tried to say, which was an obvious lie.

"Look at Hinata-kun trying to save his beloved ice cream" Nagito snickered.

"s-Shut up..."

At this point everyone was laughing and I was too. I decided to finish my ice cream quickly since I didn't want to hold it any longer.


"Pfft- oh my god please don't haha" I giggled. Which to be honest was really childish of me.

We all walked back before 10pm and parted our ways. Thats how our night ended.
==========================boom I'm finally done 😂😂 so yeah that ice cream scene happened in real life, my mom couldn't stop laughing at me- she also said she was gonna tell my future kids (that is if I have any) that story and- ehejnekwjeoiekwkdowkndk if she does I'll literally die- anyways my friend who was there too couldn't stop laughing at me too 😔😔 this chapter was terrible lol anyways imma go work on the next chapter now,

-Author chan

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