RINGGGGGGGG RINGGGGGGGGG Y/N: AHHHH *turns of alarm Y/M: *shouts from the kitchen* wake up you're gonna be late Y/N: *looks at the time* oh shit I'm gonna be late Y/N ran to the closet to grab an outfit and then ran to the bathroom to do her make up
*this is how you look*
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Then she went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple grabbed her Bag and went to school Y/N: goodbye mom Y/M: goo- ok nevermind then
*Time skip to school*
She went in and got to her locker Then she went to her class before the bell rung
*time skip to the beginning of class*
Teacher: ok class today we have a new student come in please ???: hello my name is yuna I hope we can become good friends Teacher: ok yuna sit where you want to sit Yuna: ok I'll sit there *points to the table next to my place* Yuna: *sits down* hello my name is yuna what is your name Y/N: hello my name is Y/N Yuna: what a cute name Y/N: I think we should pay attention to the lesson Yuna: oh yea right (YUNA POV) Her thoughts *she must have many friends I'll go sit with her and become her friend to* (BACK TO Y/N POV)
Yuna: hey Y/N can I eat lunch with you and your friends Y/N: what friends Yuna: you don't have friends? Well now you do Y/N: who then Yuna: me dummy let's go get lunch Y/N: I don't eat there I eat at my locker Yuna: oh ok let's sit there then