Part 6: PHASE:003

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Me:" have you found the other advisor?"

Administrator:" Yes sir. He's on the way to the vault."

Me:" Good. I also want immediate scouts to go to other universes."

Administrator:" But Sir we don't know where they'll end up they might end up in the middle of space or-"

Me:" Just do it."

Administrator:" on it."

Me:" You elite bring me glynda as well as the clean slate."

Elite1:" yes sir."

Glynda has proven by all means a perfect person to become an administrator. But if I do have to use the clean slate which will wipe out any and all memory's with electronic shocks to the brain, she will restart and will be show the ways of the combine. Some time later the elite came back with the clean slate and Glynda.

Me:" Tie her."

Elite&2:" Yes sir.

Glynda:" What are you doing?"

Me:" Well I'm gonna give you 2 choices. 1 being that you proven to become a great administrator and will keep all your memory's or 2 we wipe them all out so that they don't get in the way."

Glynda:" I will never join you!"

Me:" Very we'll then do it."

They put a head set on her and pressed a button which let out large amounts of electricity.

Me:" Stop. Take her to be educated about the combine empire now I need to go chat with some friends."

Elite:" yes sir."

Time skip

I went into the room were RWBY is held. And had some elites bring some food which was steak and potatoes. They set up a table an laid down the food.

Me:" Hope you can forgive me but its the best I can do for your protection."

Yang:" Never."

Me:" oh don't worry That girl known as winter is not dead yet and has been lifted of the list*whispers* or more like being burned so there's no evidence."

Wiess:"But why was she on there?!"

Me:" She was seen as a threat but was lifted because the atlas is some what of a threat but not much. Now eat you don't know how hard it was to get this all the way here."

They began eating but didn't talk to me....much.

Ruby:" Can we go outside?"

Me:" .......No."

Yang:" This is not how friends treat each other if that's what your trying to become with us."

Me:" well there aren't exactly rooms on this ship only the ones meant for soldiers this is the next best thing and if you behave you'll get a tv or computer."

I left them to go prepare sending some combine overwatch to other dimensions as we found a that some of them are so behind that we can take them with out much effort.

Time skip

Advisor1:" I see you have prisoners which I've been told where captured because you Pacifically wanted them."

Me:" Yes I did besides the could be some use to us."

Advisor1:" Well I've also been told that you've talked to them on a daily bases."

Me:" To make sure they're begin treated right."

Advisor1:" They're getting in the way. Either kill them, make them into soldiers, or  I'll kill them.

Me:" They aren't going any where. Like I said their some use to us."

Advisor1:" Then if they're not gone I'll send some overwatch to kill them then."

Me:" I'll let them go then if you do dearly needed them to be."

I left the room and headed towards their cells and opened it. I threw some pulse rifles

Me:" Shoot me if you want but I'm giving you your freedom I've also givin you a home

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Me:" Shoot me if you want but I'm giving you your freedom I've also givin you a home. Just follow this map and you should get their."

They toke the rifles and map and walked out of the cell.

Me:" Follow me I'll send you down to a truck that you can drive to your new home."

Ruby:" Why are you doing this?"

Me;" The other advisor wants you dead as your getting in the way but I don't want that."

Blake:" So you care about us?"

Me:" Well of course. Now go down this elevator and it should lead you down back to the surface."

Wiess:" Thank you."

They entered the elevator and went down at I waved bye to them. I'm gonna miss them but at least the other advisor won't know where to find them because if he dose I'll kill him.

Half life Advisor x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now