The nursery

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Thomas POV
After paisley met most her aunts and uncles
Me and all the boys built her nursery
Ryland:do you think she'll like it
Me: of course she'll like it

Mia's POV
The boys had spent The whole day putting paisley's nursery together
I hope she like it
Thomas:babe it's ready
Me: okay baby
I said as I walked over and kissed him
Then  we went to go show Paisley

Paisley POV
I was sitting in auntie vani's room when  mommy and daddy came
Mia: hey baby
Me:hi mama
Thomas:Bubbs  we have something to show you
Me: what is it dada
Thomas:come see

This is what It looked like (sorry it wouldn't upload)

Me: thank you Mama and dada
T&m:your welcome

Some more stories btw I am making a new story called no emotions based on about my life so check it out and also I sprained my knee cause I is a dumb bitch 😗✌️🥰😂

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