chapter 1

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"my father will hear about this!" you see, this is my iconic line, and although i say quite often, i rarely actually tell my father. he never listens to me, even when i told him i beat potter in quidditch. yes, that was a lie, but i needed to say something to make him listen.
     fuck i got distracted, sorry mates. anyway, i'm going to catch you up on the most recent time i used that line, it was in defense against the dark arts class. professor remus had just said to me-
       "i'm sorry mr. malfoy, but you are incorrect." the audacity, i mean, i was wrong but he didn't need to say that. and of course potter, sitting at his desk across from mine, snickered in his chair, whispering to the weasley kid. god i hate potter, my friends all say i'm probably in love with him, ha as if, i can do way better than potter. besides, i'm not gay.
      ok well there was this one time i wrote in my diary about me having a crush on him, but that was like 2 months ago. since the bloody bloke wanted to laugh at me, i was going to embarrass him.
    i ripped out a page of my journal, watching as the paper teared off of the metal rings. a quill turned up in my hand, thanks to crab, the boy is bloody thick, but he is good for some things. with my artistic skills, i drew a picture of him getting struck by lightning. it was bloody good if u asked me.
       i folded up the drawing into a paper airplane and threw it at him. i didn't realize until it hit his desk, the horrific mistake i had made. i looked back to my journal, and complete and utter shock blew over me as i realized, i had just drew that drawing on the back of my confession of a crush on potter. i internally screamed, and looked over to him.
    he rolled his eyes and unfolded the airplane, scoffing at my drawing, and crumbling it up. 'oh thank god' i thought, as it hit the floor. but my relief was too soon, as he bent down and picked it up. he slowly unballed it, and my horror returned. his eyes widened as they scanned the the black words. he looked over at me, but i turned away before we could make eye contact. i was petrified. i probably couldn't get up from my seat and leave if i wanted to. i waited painfully until the professor dismissed us.
        i slowly stood up, and walked out with crab and goyle. thinking i had gotten away, i sighed in relief, until i felt someone knock into me. out of instinct, i yelled "my father will hear about this!". but then i looked over and saw who it was. potter. the wanker himself had bumped into me. he slipped a note into my hand, so discreet i barely noticed, and he walked away.
          i waited until i had gotten back to my dorm for break to read the note. i slowly unfolded it, expecting it to say something along the lines of, "i'm telling everyone that u have a big gay crush on me". but it didn't. instead, it read, "meet me in the bathroom on the prefects floor after lunch". lunch had just ended. so i rushed to the bathroom.
       i walked in, to see harry sitting at the edge of the tub. i had had dreams about this, but he normally wasn't clothed. "erm, hello potter", "hi draco". draco. he had called me draco. i'm almost certain that is the first time he has addressed me by my first name.
       "uh so about the note-" i started, but was quicklu interrupted. "before u say anything, i won't tell anyone, i wouldn't out you like that". wow, i'm surprised by his words. i tried to laugh it off. "aha you thought that was real? ha it was a bloody joke bruv!" i saw a flash of what looked like disappointment in his eyes. "oh, i never thought it was real! i was just making sure" "i'm not gay, potter. especially not for you" i swear he looked like he was about to cry. "well uh good! because i'm not gay either! or bisexual!" this was becoming quite awkward. "so it's agreed, neither of us like guys. and definitely not each other." "definitely not" he added. "okay well i'm gonna go" i stated. "yeah me too" and he strutted off without another word. i signed, then walked out, only to see pansy walking past. i tried to walk away without her seeing me. "hello draco!" she shouted. ugh, i internally groaned, i hope she didn't hear anything. "so, why exactly did you and harry potter walk out of the bathroom together?" she asked me. "what are you talking about? we did not walk out together." "sure you didn't, if you two are secretly hooking up, i totally ship." "shut up. we are not hooking up." i firmly stated. "alright then. gosh i didn't mean to piss you off" "sorry, it's been a long day" i apologized, hoping she would understand. "it's okay, i get it." she annoys the fuck out of me sometimes, but she knows when to back off. 
        more classes passed by in a flash, and soon it was time for dinner. i walked in and sat at my usual sea, hungry as ever. i picked out a sort of foods, and ate quickly, devouring it. i'm gonna regret this later, i thought to myself. i looked over mid-chew to see potter whispering something to those friends of him. i don't know why he hangs out with them, he can do better. what no, potter is awful and he can't do anything right. anyway, whatever potter said to them seemed to shock them immensely, they both gasped. he better not have fucking told them anything, i thought as they both looked over at me.

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