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Skip 2 months
Your POV

It's been 2 months and lest say it's not been good. First me and kio thought it was best if we just stayed friends because I am only 16 now and he's 19. Me and nick aren't talking anymore. Me and Quinton were starting to hang out more and I was starting to catch feelings again but then he started dating Cynthia. I don't really like Cynthia much but she can be really nice to me so I try my best to be nice. I haven't really been hanging out with the hype house people for a while. I've been distant with people. I'm starting to not be much of a people person. Me and my dad are really close though. He gives me space though because he knows I've been going through a tough time. My dad thought it was best if I had some space so he made some boys move rooms so I could have my own. Bryce moves in with Quinton so I got his room. I redid my room to make it more like me.

I've been mostly in my room or at the beach

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I've been mostly in my room or at the beach.
I mostly go to the beach to yell the things I need to get out or just to be there. I've changed the way I dress too. I dress more like if I didn't just come from a funeral. I still skateboard though. My dad told me that there is going to be a new member. He didn't tell when he was coming or anything he just said that there will be a new member. Today I woke up at 10:38 am. I got dressed into

I go downstairs and get something to eat

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I go downstairs and get something to eat. I make some toast and go sit down at the table. A little later the boys come down.
Griffin-"oh good morning."
The boys make there food and sit down too. Griffin sits on one side of me and Kio on the other.
Griffin-"so the new guy is coming today."
You-"do we really need a new member?"
Griffin-"yes. He's a good friend."
I'm not really excited for a new person to come because I'm not really a people person right now. I go to my room and just chill for a little. I decided I wanted to go to the beach for a little. I look for a bathing suit to wear. While I was looking I heard the front door open. I also heard the boys go see who it is. It's probably just someone that left earlier. I went into my bathroom and changed into

  I went into my bathroom and changed into

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I put on a pair of white shorts over. I grabbed my skateboard and walked downstairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs and see all the boys and someone I never saw.

New character

Name-Noah BeckAge-17

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Name-Noah Beck


Griffin-"oh izzy just the person I was about to get. This is Noah. The new guy!"
Noah-"oh hey I'm Noah."
You-"hi I'm izzy."
Noah smiles at you.
Griffin-"where are you going."
You-"the beach."
Griffin-"oh ok just wait for us we'll come too."
You-"but I-"
Griffin-"wait for us."
You-"ok fine."
Griffin-"also go show Noah your room."
Griffin-"because he's your new roommate."
Griffin-"Izzy sweat heart I know you haven't been doing well laity so maybe a new friend will make it better."
You-"ugh fine."
Noah-"I can sleep on the couch if you want."
You-"no its fine just come on. And boys hurry up and change."
Noah follows you to your room. You open the door.
You-"ok so I know it's a little girly but if you want sometime this week we can redo it and make it how we want it."
Noah-"oh um ok sure."
Bebs comes over.
You-"oh that's my dog his name is bebs."
Noah-"he's so cute."
He pets him for a little then stops and you pick him up.
You-"you can put your things there and change in the bathroom."
He grabs his bathing suit and changed in the bathroom. He comes out without a shirt on which isn't a bad thing. I mean he's not swimming in a shirt.
Noah-"so your adopted right?"
You-"yea by griffin."
Noah-"that's cool. Also why did he say you weren't doing good so maybe a new friend would make you feel better?"
You-"well things are just going on and I've been a little distant with people. I mostly only go to my room or the beach. I was going to go by myself."
Noah-"oh. Do you wanna talk about it."
You-"it's just I used to date Quinton then he cheated on me then I went with nick form the hype house then he cheated on me then I liked Kio and we were doing things slowly then we decided to be friends then I liked Quinton again but he's with Cynthia now and I guess I just don't want to get hurt by anymore people so I feel like staying away from them will help."
Noah-"well first I think you are way too good for nick Kio and Quinton. Second people actually help you feel better but since you've been distant lately maybe start slowly. If you want we can be friends and you can talk with me whenever."
Noah-"yea of course."
You-"thanks. I would really like that."
You smile at him.
Noah-"also um your bed is pretty small so if you want I can sleep on the floor."
You-"no it's fine I can sleep on the floor. I would feel terrible if I let you do that."
Noah-"well I'll feel terrible if I let you sleep on the floor."
You-"or we can both just sleep on the bed and if anyone falls then they get the floor."
You both laugh.
You-"ok come on let's go."
You both head downstairs and see a note on the door.
You-"oh look it's a note."
Noah-"read it."
You-"dear izzy and Noah, me and the boys think you both should walk to the beach because you guys were taking too long so we left. Love dad."
Noah-"wow that's so nice of them."
You-"I was going to ride my skateboard anyway."
Noah-"ok I'll just walk next to you."
You nod and grab your skateboard. You open the door then lock it. You start riding and Noah walks next to you.
You-"so tell me about yourself."
Noah-"well I'm 17 and single. And yea."
You-"wow you know yourself very well."
Noah-"how about you."
You-"well I'm 16 and single. I like singing and skateboarding. I really like the beach and dogs."
Noah-"oh cool."
He gives you a cute look.
The rest of the way is silent. You get to the beach and...

A/N~ sorry for the cliffhanger! I'll update tomorrow. Thank you all for 2k reads!  Ily🤍

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