Lawson fanfic

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Part 1:

I was woken up to the sound of a train passing by and I didn’t know where I was. “Oh shit!!! “ I said to myself. My legs were cut and I had a massive lump on my head “ouch” I said pressing it lightly. I had woken up in many places but never under a bridge. I didn’t know where I was. The Smirnoff and cigarettes I bought the night before weren’t in my pockets anymore. I got up and was unsteady on my feet so I fell into a wall and managed to walk up the street but couldn’t walk to Starbucks. “For fuck sake” I shouted and fell flat on my bum. My body couldn’t function so I sat under a hedge for a while. How did I end up like this? I pulled my phone out from my bra and went into contacts and found Hannah I dialled the number and waited for a response. “Hello?” she said calmly surprisingly because it was 3am. “Hannah hi I am on a street can you pick me up?” I asked with slurred speech. “Um yeah sure where are you?”

I waited for 30 minutes until Hannah’s car pulled up and I jumped in. “so who were you out with this time?”  She had an angry look on her face. “Um some work mates” they weren’t they were some mates from school who always had got me in trouble and almost kicked out of school. “Oh ok then” she answered. The journey home was quiet and long Hannah always did this. She was the big sister of the house I shared with 3 other girls.

 Alessia who was my cousin , Hannah and Lucy I had known them since I was 12 we met in my grandmas village in Italy because we could all speak English. We had all been through something. Alessia went through a rough patch and got really depressed. Hannah had a summer romance and got pregnant and sees her daughter once a week. Karen had suffered with bipolar, and me I just had an addiction to weed. Me and my cousin use to live in leeds then we moved to London when we were 16 and Hannah and Karen lived un hackney. We now live in London in a small house with 5 bedrooms and we all love it.

“Ufff” I said stepping into the house and lying down on the dining room table. I sat up and Hannah got me some paracetamol and coffee. “ So then how did you end up under a bridge?” She asked. “Um I do not know” I answered. “That’s probably the worse so far” she said. “um no the on top of the bar was the worse.” I reminded her and she smiled “yeah probs.” She laughed. She went upstairs and back to bed. I fell asleep on the table. “SHHHH” I heard Lucy chuckle. “Why?” a manly voice replied. “Because people are asleep.” She was trying not to laugh. She flicked the light switch and she was laughing at me asleep on the table I let out a long groan. “WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP” I shouted at her. “calm down Val we didn’t know” I noticed a tall handsome man behind her. “who’s that I asked. “Oh this is Joel” She thought she got away with the not introducing me to him plan. “Hi Joel Bye Joel” I said trying to fall back a sleep on the table. “We’ll leave you to sleep” he said giggling and they both went upstairs to do you know what.

I managed to get off the table crawl upstairs and fall on my bed. The amount of times I had done that. “BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP” The alarm screamed in my ear. “FUCK OFF” I shouted at it and gave it a whack. I had work and I was not looking forward to it. It was 7:00am and I got up had a shower changed and went for breakfast. Lucy and Joel were having breakfast and were being all loved up. “So you two an item?” I asked. “Um….Well…..Sort of.” Lucy whispered so no one could hear her. “Oh well that’s great.” I said. Karen had invited all of us and Joel’s band mates to a dinner tonight. Great I thought to myself.

I hurried home and only had an hour to get ready I showered dressed and did my makeup. The others had left but I didn’t know about what to wear. In the end I went for my jack Daniels vest, demin shorts, biker boots and leather jacket I mean what do they expect from me. I drove to the car park and went to the corner shop and bought cigarettes. This was my first of the day and it was 7:30pm which was good for me. I finished it before walking into the orchid restaurant. I the corner stood 4 men and 3 women they were all tall apart from one. I recognised Joel and the girls but there were 3 men I had never seen in my life. I tried to walk over without tripping up or falling flat on my face because I was nervous to meet these new handsome people.

“Oh look here she is “Lucy said.

“Hiya” I answered.

“You took a while? What was keeping you?” Hannah asked.

“Um….I couldn’t find a place to park” Hannah knew I was a smoker but she thought I had quit. I didn’t want to break it to her.

“Um well this is Andy, Adam and Ryan.” She introduced me to three very good looking men.

“Hello Andy, Adam and Ryan my name is Valentina” I introduced myself and shook their hands.

“So…. Who wants what?” Karen asked.

“Can we have 8 beers please” Hannah said.

“Ok 8 beers it is” Adam shot up instantly to go and help Karen retrieve the 8 beers like she couldn’t do it herself. As the night went on I really got to know the boys especially Ryan. I think I was falling for him and fast we got on really well. I showed him most of my tattoos and he showed me his but the rest is a blur. We all drove home and met up at the house. I kicked off my shoes and showed everyone to the lounge. I couldn’t be bothered to turn the light on in the kitchen so I just walked in and grabbed eight glasses and a bottle of vodka. When someone grabbed my wrist and I dropped the glasses. Luckily they were plastic. “SHIT”I screamed.

“Calm down dear it’s only me” Ryan hushed.

“Ryan?” I asked confused.

“Yes it’s me” He answered. He pulled me closer and placed his hands around my waist. It was silent. I could feel him breathing on my lips. Then he kissed me. We had only known each other for about 3 hours but it felt like 3 years. The kiss was long and passionate he had really nice lips. I pulled away. ”That shouldn’t have happened “He said.

“What why?” I asked confused.

“Because I have already got a girlfriend” He whispered.

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