"How many times are we going to go over this? Just do it right, so we can move on," said Jumper Kelley.
Harmony lowered her stance. Between being very smart and quiet all the time, Harmony always found tune to perfect her skills. "Please Kelley, just show me so I can learn it better. I do better with my eyes."
"Well if you do better with your eyes, then let's see just how well you can do."
Jumping into the air, Jumper Kelley headed straight toward Harmony. Quickly dodging to one side, Harmony felt his foot graze her shoulder. Almost on instinct though, Kelley turned, very swiftly, obviously having many years of training, and connected his foot to the side of Harmony's left shoulder.
"I haven't seen that since Rashad's first match!" Harmony bursted out as soon as the kick landed.
"Now block it, jump up, hold your weight into the core, almost letting it out, and blast all your energy towards your propulsion."
Harmony stood in stance, glancing across the open floor waiting for him to start. Kelley jumped straight towards her, but this time she was ready.
Raising her left arm, Harmony blocked the first passing kick. Pushing off the ground with all her weight, she gained major height. As she forced her energy forward, Kelley was already headed back towards Harmony. Matching his peak, Harmony swiftly glided to the side, lifting her right leg and twisting in a powerful way.
Sending out all the power she contained, Kelley flew into the wall with a large bang.
Dust and debris in the air, Harmony landed and rushed over to the impact point. Pushing off the rubble, she managed to find Kelley.
"Oh shit. Kelley?"
Harmony rolled Jumper Kelley onto his back and saw his short, hollow breath as his chest quietly bounced up and down.
Slowly helping him up, Harmony started to wonder why she had so much power in her strike. Something she would later ask Rashad about. How could someone her caliber create such an impeccable force?
When she got Kelley to the bench, she walked out of Arena to fetch him supplies.
On her way to the food station, Kimberly, Harmony's best friend since she was small, was just headed out.
"Why hello there sweetheart," Kimberly said with a loving glance toward Harmony.
"Would you like to walk and talk, I've ran into a bit of a problem that I need to fix. Like soon."
With a nod, they headed into the food station, got Kelley water and a bag of ice, and they headed back to Arena.
Kimberly gave Harmony a solemn look, "So what exactly happened?"
Harmony could see worry clouding her best friend's eyes. "Don't worry Kim. I'll let him explain everything when he wakes up."
Clouded eyes quickly turned confused, but she did not ask any other questions.
As they entered Arena, Kelley was sitting up on the bench taking shallow breaths. Harmony and Kimberly walked around the place where the incident had happened.
Jumper Kelley, with much pride in his voice, said, "Hold up, just have Kim bring it to me."
Laughing, Harmony shot him a quick response, "No, I'd rather see to it. Given I was the one that caused all this."
"Fine, but I just want you to know, if they find out what powers you are truly hiding, you might get kicked out." Kelley stood up, still very shaky from the impact. "Plus, they certainly wouldn't want a second Rashad in the Stadium."
For some reason, the words that came out of his mouth flowed like a river leading into a waterfall, soaking into Harmony's head.
With a stare of cold ice, Kimberly looked at Kelley. "If I ever hear you say any kind of bullshit like that again, you'll rue the day. That's a promise." She grabbed Harmony's clammy hand and started out of Arena.
"Don't let him get to you. You know he's just mad about what happened. What happened?"
Harmony looked over, hate filming over her eyes, "I kicked him."
Without saying a word, Kimberly kneeled, still holding Harmony's hand. She looked up through a window, which allowed sunlight to pass through during the day, and started to say, "Don't ever let true hatred guide you. For mistakes will be wielded, and sheaths will be gone. Live in the moment, forgive, don't forget, and live. Harmony, do you believe that at this time, you are ready to truly learn what you are?"
A cold, fuzzy feeling crawled up her spine. "Yes," she replied quietly, not aware of what was about to happen.
"Then given your consent, I will tell you who you are," as the words left her mouth, a bright glow towards the ceiling of Arena started to stream. As she looked up in a dramatic gesture, the whole of Arena was lit up.
A voice of great deepness arose, "Harmony harvest your power within. Control it with all your will, for it can be very dangerous. All your questions will be solved in the comfort of your own home."
Like lightning flashing in a dreary summer thunderstorm, the voice slowly faded, everything faded black, and Harmony looked up to see Kimberly staring at her with wide open eyes, "What happened," she asked.
"I... I'm not really sure," Harmony responded. "Did you not hear that voice," she asked looking up.
"Well, I'm not really sure how to completely use it, but what did the voice say?"
Harmony looked her friend in the eyes, "Honestly, I'd rather not talk about it right now. I'm still very confused on whatever it was trying to tell me." Harmony turned around and scratched her shoulder. "Plus, it seemed like some pretty serious shit."
Kimberly laughed and put her hand on Harmony's shoulder, "Well, whenever you need to talk about it, I'll be here."
"Let's get back I don't want to be late meeting my brother."

A Little Bit of More
Short StoryThis will be a journal of many stories hopefully. Please feel free to input feedback to help me improve.