Chapter 22

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When we arrived at the house after school it was really quiet. Mom's car was in the driveway so I knew she was here but I don't think Tony was there just yet.

"Mom?" I yelled out through the quiet house. Footsteps soon followed. Mom came down from the stairs and she looked pale. Paler then she usually does. She had dark bags under her eyes, her cheeks looked a bit hollow; overall she just looked a hot mess.

"Oh hello, Titus and Titus's friend." She says to us when she reaches the bottom of the staircase. Jacob gave her a small smile and reached his hand out to shake hers.

"Hello, Ms. Jones, and it's Jacob." He greets with kindness.

"Well, excuse my appearance, Jacob. A lot has been happening these couple of days. I'm not sure if Titus told you but Sora is in the hospital. She's been beaten up pretty bad. I just don't see why. She's such a sweet girl." That's when the waterworks started. Mom could no longer hold her composure and talking about it just caused all of it to slip out.

"Oh! I'm so sorry to hear about that. I hope she gets better." Jacob rushed out to say while my mother kept crying. You could tell he was uncomfortable and didn't exactly know what to say since he knows the truth as to why it happened and who did it.

"Mom-"I sigh. "You're embarrassing me in front of my guest. I'm sure Sora will be just fine but didn't you invite Jacob over because you wanted to see him again and cook for him?" Jacob hit me on the chest probably because I was being rude but I didn't care. I hit him back in the arm that sent him stumbling.

"You're right Titus. I'm sorry about that, my head is just all over the place you know with your sister and all."  She rushes out. I wasn't mad per se. I was just getting bored with the conversation.

"Alright, we're going to my room until the food is done. Has Tony come back yet?"

"No, not yet dear. I'll let you know when he does though." I nod and pull Jacob up the stairs.

"Your mom seems pretty stressed out. Don't you think what you did was a bit too far?" Jacob questions when we finally get to my room.

"No, I don't. I could've just killed her. Now that would've been worse." I laugh. He shrugs his shoulders but also nods in agreement.

"So what are we going to do now?" He asks while sitting on my bed.

"Well, we could get to know each other more?" I lean down over him and place my hand on the junction between his neck and shoulder and rubbed.

"Oh? Well, I really like the color red and eating-"

"No, you idiot-" I sign in frustration. "I don't really care about all that. I mean that we can get to know each other more intimately."

"Ohhhhh. Well isn't that risky? I mean your mom is downstairs. Shouldn't we wait until we're alone?" He plays with his fingers and avoids eye contact. Putting my pointer finger under his head I make him look up at me.

"Are you denying me? You signed everything over to me once you agreed to join me."

"No! I mean what if we like, get caught? Wouldn't that leave a bad image?" He questions. His rambling was getting tiresome.

"Who cares about image? Cause I sure don't. Now-" I push him down on the bed and climb on top of him. "Let's get to it."

My lips descended into his in a rushed manner. Since he was new to this whole kissing thing he couldn't really keep up. His lips movements were out of sync with my own which made the kiss less enjoyable which made me stop.

"What's wrong?" He asked breathlessly.

"You really suck at this." I chuckle. He pouts and crosses his arms.

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