Chapter 4:

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The princes shared a nervous look with each other and looked back at the princesses. "Excuse me, but I don't think we have met," the same one repeated.

"We heard you," peeped Augusta.

"Yes, we haven't met," Louisa said at the same time, an annoyed look on her face.

"Well, then, I am Prince Nicholas of Weldenesia," said Nicholas.

"I am Prince Brice of Weldenesia," said Brice. They flashed a charming smile at the princesses, expecting a reaction, but they stayed frozen. One looking annoyed, the other scared to death. "What are your names?" he asked.

"I'm Princess Augusta of Xerenia," said Augusta.

"I'm Louisa," she said, not bothering to put any title along with her name.

"From which kingdom? Are you not a candidate, or are you from Xerenia as well," asked Nicholas.

Louisa felt insulted. Just because she hadn't said her full title, they are to assume she is a maid? What stuck ups, she thought. "No, Your Highness," slurred Louisa, "I am from Kovina."

"Ah, what a lovely kingdom," said Brice.

"Yes, it is," she muttered.

"As is yours," said Augusta. She was starting to gain courage speaking to the princes, but she had been thinking about what the princes might think of them, with their stained gowns and all.

"Thank you very much Augusta. I may call you that, right?" asked Brice.

"Yes you may, Your Highness," she smiled politely.

"Oh, no need for that, you may call us by our names," said Nicholas.

"Of course," said Augusta.

There was an awkward silence, and no one knew what to say. The four looked at each other for a few seconds, then, the sound of a large bell went off. It was midnight already.

"May I have your attention please!" shouted the head soldier. "The ball is now concluding. The princesses need their rest for the start of the competition tomorrow. All of your kingdom's carriages are waiting for you outside. They will take you home, Your Majesties. The King would like to speak to the princesses alone now. You will see your daughters again when or if they are sent back home. Now, a word from the king! Your Majesty."

The king stood up and put his hands out gracefully. "We thank you all for coming to tonight's ball. Our servants will now escort you to your carriages. We hope to see you again soon!" said the King. He waved to the servants and they began helping the Kings and Queens of different kingdoms out to their carriages.

Before Augusta's mother left, she went over to her and whispered in her ear, "You are going to win. No what-ifs. If you do not, you are no longer welcome in the palace. You hear me? You're our last chance at power-"

"Your Majesty, I apologize, but we need to leave. I will escort you," said one of the King's servants.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming," said Augusta's mother. She shot Augusta another threatening glare, as if looking into her soul, and then left.

"Princesses, please follow me," said one of the female knights.

They followed the knight, not knowing what to expect.

The princesses followed her to a small common room very high up in the castle. It was circular with half of the walls made of shimmering glass, with frames of gold. The scene outside made the setting feel very fantastical. On the right and left corners, there were stairs that led up to what looked like rooms. Louisa guessed that was where they would be staying.

"This is the common room. You will meet here once you are dressed up for classes and the competition," said the knight, but her armor had transformed into a maid's dress, but more elegant. The princesses looked at her in admiration.

"I have a question," interrupted Georgia.

"Yes, princess?" said the knight.

"Why do we have classes? I suppose we have all been trained to have proper etiquette, have we not? Well, maybe not all of us," she looked around the room and locked eyes with Louisa and Augusta.

"Princess, it is necessary. Majesty's orders. They are not necessarily classes, but more of explanations on how the competitions will be. For example, tomorrow you will be interviewed individually. It will be put on television so that our people will get to know the young princesses who will be competing to be our queen," she responded

"Well then, I guess I can't argue with that," sighed Georgia, then smiled.

The knight just stared at her. "Now let me introduce myself. I am Meriel. The Queen's head maid and the King's knight. This means I have as much authority, if not more, than you all around here. So I advise you not to misbehave because there will be consequences. Right after I am done talking to you, you will head to your rooms, which as you can see, are on either side of the common room. I will read who's going to which one. In those rooms will be eight beds, but one will be empty since there are fifteen of you.

Clothes will be given to you tomorrow if you would like it. You will have access to the guest closet, which will be filled with things that might interest you. You were required to bring clothes anyways so I won't get into that..

Now I will read the names, good luck to you all. Right dorms: Phillipa, Margaret," she went on and finished calling all the names for the right dorm. She waited until they were gone to the right dorm. "Now you all go to the left dorms. Good luck in there," she said.

"Why do you say so?" asked Georgia with a serious face.

"Because... It's where the Queen almost got killed the night she won the King's heart," she whispered and looked back at them as she headed out, leaving them in silence.

Word from the Author:

Haha, cliffhanger there, watch out and don't let go! I'll probably publish Chapter 5 later next week or in a couple weeks. I am busy with work, but I'm going to be starting school again soon, so I'll be at home to write. Please feel free to leave some constructive criticism! I love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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