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Ok, so me not being friends with the guy i love, lets call him Rio. So me not being friends with Rio is hard. I miss him so much. For fuck sakes I was on the phone for like an hour with my best friends crying to her how much I miss him. Things aren't easy, his always on my mind. I've been wanting to text him all day but I can't. I've wanted tp ask his best friend about him but I couldn't. If I had the chance to just tell him one last thing i want to tell him...
Dear Rio,
    We ended it on good terms, but that doesn't mean i don't miss you or us. You've made me happier without me realizing. I used to take picture with a normal smile or no smile at all. But since the day you asked me to be yours, I've took every picture with a smile with teeth. I never realized how much you made me happy. I know you always thought you didn't know how to make me happy, but you always did. You may think you can't make me laugh when i'm really upset, but you do i just bite my tongue to hold it in. Your one of the best things that ever happened to me. You may not know that but I don't regret one memory with you. Good bye Rio. Have a good life.

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