Chapter 6: Broken

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Lin woke up in the middle of the night to a particularly loud bout of thunder. The pouring rain and wind battered the windows of Groff's apartment, drawing his attention to the fact that Groff was still up, clutching his pillow tightly and scrolling through his phone. "Babe, have you been awake all this time? It's late."

Jonathan rolled over to face Lin, still clutching his pillow. "I... it's embarrassing."

"What's wrong?"

Jon wouldn't meet his eyes. "I'm scared of thunderstorms."

Lin's heart melted. "Oh, Groff, it's okay. Come here," he said, tugging on his arm so he could hold him. Groff buried his head in Lin's shirt, shaking. Lin wrapped his arms around him protectively as more lightning struck outside, stroking his hair to soothe him. He started to hum "You'll Be Back" until Jon's breathing slowed and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

~ time skip: that night (yes i just skipped through their whole day), at a nightclub waiting for vanessa and her boyfriend | brought to you by john laurens' turtles ~

The pair were already at the bar talking when Vanessa and her boyfriend entered. Lin saw Jonathan look the new guy up and down—"Did you just check him out? In front of me?" he exclaimed incredulously, Jonathan quickly whipping around with a blush spreading across his face. "Sorry. Old habits. Besides, he's super straight, I can tell—you have nothing to worry about. You know I only have eyes for you, baby." Jon traced a finger over Lin's lips with a playful smile and turned back to the other couple as they took seats. Lin shook his head, his thoughts all jumbling up inside his head whenever Groff touched him. He really took advantage of that weakness of Lin's, he got out of trouble too easily. 

"Hey, you two!" Vanessa greeted, Groff getting up to give her a hug and shake the man's hand.

"Hi, I'm Jonathan Groff!"

"George. Nice to meet you."

"This is my... husband, Lin, and his boyfriend," V introduced them, Lin getting up to shake his hand. This open marriage thing was still kind of new to them, so introducing their boyfriends to each other seemed strange, but good.

George and Vanessa only stayed for about an hour, but they had a good time. Lin could see why she liked him. He was quick, witty, handsome, and a perfect gentleman to her. He tried not to be jealous—he knew that she still loved him a lot. Vanessa kissed his cheek and left with George. He didn't realize he was staring into space until Groff slid his hand into Lin's and squeezed it, saying, "Hey, you did so good. He seems cool." Lin nodded and looked at him gratefully. "Do you want to stay a while? We could dance... like drunk Chita Riveras."

Groff nodded. "Yeah, that sounds fun!" he said and dragged him out onto the dance floor, smiling wildly, flailing his arms and headbanging in the silliest way he could. They danced like that for a bit, laughing hard, before Lin left to get more drinks. "Get us shots!" Groff yelled over the music.

~ POV: focused on jon ~

Jon watched his boyfriend walk away, warmth rising in his chest when all of the sudden he was interrupted by a very drunk exclamation of, "Jooonnnathan!" He snapped around to the source of the noise only to see his ex, Zachary. He barely had time to react before Zachary threw himself at him, grabbing his ass and smashing his lips against his. Jon immediately tensed up. It was sloppy, the taste of alcohol on Zachary's lips so strong it nearly made Groff gag. As fast as he could react, he kicked him in the shin and forcefully pushed him away, trembling. Zachary stumbled backwards, his sense of balance nonexistent. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jonathan yelled, glancing behind just in time to see the exit door of the nightclub slamming as Lin rushed out. Tears sprang to his eyes and he ran after him.

~ POV: what just happened, from lin's perspective ~

The bartender poured two shots of vodka for them, Lin taking them from the counter as he turned just in time to see Jon and his ex kissing across the room. His breath caught in his throat as he froze and dropped the drinks, the glass shattering on the floor as he turned his heel and flew out the door as fast as he could. Jon wasn't even that drunk, how could he do this to him?

The cold outdoor air hit him like a ton of bricks. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He pressed his back against the wall of the nightclub and looked up at the sound of the door. 


"Did I, or did I not, just see you kissing your ex?" Lin spoke every word like he was carefully driving a dagger through his heart. 

"Lin, I didn't kiss him, he kissed me, I swear! He grabbed me with no preamble! He's clearly very drunk. I would never do that to you, even drunk. I've been in love with you for years, I fell in love with you, not him. Lin, please believe me. Did you not see me? I was not kissing him back, he literally threw himself at me and I kicked him and pushed him away. Lin?"

Jon's words were floating around in Lin's brain but his ears were still ringing with anger. He turned to him, eyes brimming with tears. "I want to believe you, I really do, but I think I need some time to clear my head... I'm going to walk home. I want to be alone tonight. Please, don't follow me."

Groff's heart shattered as he watched him walk away, hands shoved in his pockets and turning his hood up against the cold. A wave of anger overcame him and he stormed back into the nightclub, making a beeline for Zachary and—"Heeey babeee~ mphh!"—pinning him to the wall, his arm under Zachary's neck.

"You listen here motherfucker. We broke up years ago. Don't fucking touch others without their consent. That rule definitely includes your exes. I'm happily in a relationship—or, I hope I still am, after tonight—with the love of my life, who is not you, and you just caused us to have a fight because you got so fucking drunk and didn't think about the effects of your actions. We have been done for years, so stay. Away. From. Me." Jonathan pulled back, satisfied as he could be at the moment, letting him crumple to the floor. 

He hailed a taxi to his apartment and collapsed onto his bed, crying. He checked his phone in hopes of seeing any sign of contact from Lin, but the screen was empty. He buried his face in his pillow and tried to block out the flashbacks of the night until he fell asleep.

Word Count: 1181 Words

you hear that? thats the sound of my heart breaking. and yes, i did this to myself

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