Spirts and Warnings

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A/N Okay so I'm starting to feel alone on this story, I mean, I'm not begging for followers, but to the people who read this... can't you vote or comment? I'm sorry if your phone/tablet is glitching, but if it isn't... then... support if you like it... (Dammit, It just seems like I'm begging -.-) but srsly, please? Oh and btw I'm thinking of continuing Evil's Awakening... whaddya think? Eh eh? ;) Okay now lets get on with story... oh and before you comment that its Stampy's cake due date, Minecraft has different times you know! Just because its 17th Jan now doesn't mean its the same there! xD Then again I don't know when this is gonna be published so... yeah... (Random Fact: If you didn't know, POV stands for Point Of View!)

Salem's POV

I lay sprawled across my bed, staring up at the emptiness of the ceiling. I had nothing to do, nothing to think about. Then it rushed to my mind. I haven't seen Amy and Lee for a long while. Did something happen to them? The last time I saw them was a few months ago, when we all played in the funland together, and then it got dark and we went back home. Of course, some of us slept in the hotel, but the majority of us went home. Did they leave Stampy's lovely world? Did they leave this part of Minecraftia? Did they leave Minecraftia altogether?! "No Salem, you mustn't resort to those thoughts..." I said to myself. "Maybe I should go outside, go talk to someone..." I felt weird for the entire time I was outside. On the outside I seemed like I panic a lot, and I don't really have a lot of friends, but on the inside, I was a tomboy. I loved video games and I had quite a lot of friends, not to mention my ninja-like skills. I knew Stampy was better at Jumping, Gymnastics and Fighting, but what he needed was the ability to plan ahead. Speaking of Stampy, I haven't seen him much either...

"Ow...!" I looked up to see a young man, not much taller than me. He was wearing a navy lab coat with black trousers, he wore navy goggles lifted above his eyes, dark brown hair, and chocolate coloured eyes. "S-sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going a-" "Don't worry... I wasn't looking where I was going either, here, let me help you up," he said calmly, as he held out a hand. I smiled and took it. "Thanks...I-I'm Salem!" I shook his hand. "I'm Dan! Nice to meet you ^^" (A/N Surprize! DanTDM!  * throws chapter through people's computer screens* Happy birthday *sarcasm*)

Dan's POV

We talked for most of the morning, telling each other things about our selves, by the time we finished I had forgotten why I came here, until I soon remembered. "Er Salem, I've just remembered I have to carry on with an experiment..." "What experiment?" "Basically-"

We heard a loud rumble emitting from the floor, which was slowly breaking. I shivered. What was going on?! I looked to Salem, and she had the exact same look that I had on my face - fear. The once beautiful, clear blue sky had turned into a hurricane of reds, pinks and blacks which were darting into the air like rockets. Then they started to fly everywhere, and Salem and I held on to each other for the entire ordeal, despite only knowing one another since that morning. The colours merged and swirled into each other and crashed into the ceiling, until-




"Dan! Are you okay!?!?"


I slowly awakened. At first I squinted, trying to make out the the shapes that were before me, but eventually my vision focused and I saw Salem. She had a look of concern written across her face as she tried to wake me up. "Ah...w-wha-where are we?" I stuttered, trying to stand up. I felt my cheek. A big, boisterous bruise had formed upon my cheeks; I lifted my hand to feel it again, when Salem appeared in front of me. "Your cheek...." "I-It's fine..."

BOOOOOOOOOOM! *Music: 'Metal Scratchin' Sonic Rush*

A/N Hello again! Lets STOP right here and let you click the song at the top! ........Okay done? Good. Now I'm stopping now coz I'm so damn lazy -_- At least this will keep you entertained while I write the next chapter... Bai :3 Old times... the days when I would always play Sawnic ^//////^

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