How to write:
You stare at the blank piece of paper sitting in front of you but no words escape your hands. Doodles begin appear on the page, filling the whiteness with the gray graphite.
From the pictures, the words form in your head. Swirling to make sense of the jumbled ideas, turning into something that is great. White is no longer white. The doodles are no longer doodles, the ideas turned to sentences.
Yes, this is how you should write. Freely. Openly. With nothing to hold you back.
But then you re-read it back in your head. You realize it sucks. This just isn’t right.
The one thing that shouldn’t hold you back has done its purpose again. It’s truly wonderful at holding your writing back. Caging it, not letting it do as it wishes.
You feel trapped. Alone in a cyclone of words that make no sense. Alone like Oreos without milk. Alone like Frodo when he is attacked by the giant spider. Just Alone.
In the darkness of your own mind, you find a light. You find your good friends: Edit and Revise. They will always be there for you in your time of need.
Together the three of you battle your way out of your mind. Fighting all your doubts, and hurry to fix your writing before your enemies find you again.
Then it is finished. It is beautiful. Like your hair shining in the sun. Like a box as big as you are on Christmas morning.
A simply amazing work created by your own mind.
You fought the battles, and you won the war. You made your writing what you want it to be. What you intended it to be. It was just like you wanted in your head.
To think you fought off your doubts, you lost faith in yourself, and this idea came from a simple doodle on a white paper.
This is how you should write. This is a true work of art. This is a true piece of your writing talent. This is you.
There's a video to go with this piece. SOOO I shall link it on the side. Right over --> there!
Enjoy my lovelies!!!