Ch. 2

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Midoryia's POV

I groaned softly as my eyes opened slowly. Did I pass out? I hadn't done that in a while. That's when I remembered what had occurred before I lost consciousness. I shot up in a sitting position as I scanned the room I was in.

It was dark but not nearly as dark as my old cell. It looked like...a hospital room, but that was impossible. The mafia wouldn't waste money on me. I looked down at my body. My gash in my thigh was properly stitched up, along with a couple of my other scratches. I had an IV attached to my arm as well.

As I tried to process what was happening I heard a noise come from the side of me. I jumped as I looked next to me to see the blonde boy from earlier staring at me.

"About time you woke up." He said dryly, looking me over with his eyes. I couldn't help but squirm under his gaze. I rubbed my head to try to relieve my headache.

"How long was I out?" I asked him.

"Not long. Just a few hours. Do you feel better?" I couldn't help but be caught by surprise by his question. Why did he care how I was feeling?

I looked down to the edge of my bed. "Yes. Thank you."

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Don't expect me to do this again for you. I just couldn't have you dead before I was done with you."

I figured that was coming. Yet another life that my father tormented. I wonder what he did to this boy? He wasn't that old, so maybe it had something to do with his parents? I shook my head softly to clear my head. Either way, I was going to suffer for it.

"Yes sir." I respond back, not making eye contact. I heard the boy make a low growl. His fingers wrapped around my chin as he forced my head up to look at him. His red eyes once again pierced through me, causing me to involuntarily shiver.

"You will refer to me as Kacchan."

I gave him a weird look. "And why is that?"

"That's what all my toys address me as."

Great, so he was going to be one of those guys. Not like I hadn't been there before. I subconsciously lifted my fingers up to my neck, tracing one of the still noticeable hickeys.

"And your new name is Deku."

Deku? That's a new one. It meant worthless, which basically summed up me so I guess it fit.

"Shitty Hair!" Kacchan screamed, turning towards the door behind him. A boy with red hair, very similar to his own, opened the door slowly, peaking in.

"Oh sweet. Emerald's awake." He said cheerfully. I groaned as I rolled my eyes. I hated that name. I preferred Deku more than that.

"Take him to his room and get him new clothes. He looks homeless." Kacchan stated as he stood up. He gave me one last look before exiting into the hallway. Once he was gone, "Shitty Hair" turned back to me.

"You feeling better?" These people were wayyy different than the last ones. I simply nodded my head as I allowed him to take out my IV and help me up.

"So what's your name anyways?" He asked me.

"Izuku Midoryia." His eyes widened.

"No way. As in, son of the 'Angel of Death'?" I flinched. I hated that name. All it brought to me was pain.

"Shouldn't you already know that? You did refer to me as Emerald." I said coldly back. Shitty Hair shrugged.

"Bakubro, doesn't usually keep the rest of us in the loop. I knew that you were supposed to valuable but I never knew why."

I guess only the people my father affected knew exactly who I was then. Everyone else just knew me as a sellable object they could make profit off of.

"Bakubro?" I asked him, tilting my head. Was he referring to Kacchan?

"Ohhh, let me guess. He's making you call him some weird name right? Yeah his name's Bakugo. Just don't tell him I told you that?" The boy said with a laugh.

"What about Shitty Hair? Is that a silly nickname too?"

He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh yeah, my name's Eijiro Kirishima. Sorry I totally forgot to introduce myself."

This guy seemed so nice, but I've seen acts like these before. They make you lower your defense and then they hit you hard.

"Nice to meet you." I say softly. Kirishima simply smiled back and then walked over to the door.

"Well it's best not to keep boss waiting. Let's get you to your room."

I followed Kirishima down the hallway until we reached the staircase. Was this a huge basement? I think to myself as we make our way up. It revealed a huge house. Hell, it was basically a mansion. I never got the luxury of seeing the nice parts of houses, just the cells.

The red head lead me up more flights of stairs, up until the third floor, before he stopped in front of a room. He opened it revealing a big room. Well, bigger than I was used to. It had a queen sized bed against the center of one of walls and ceiling fan over head. There was a huge window to the right of it that led out to a balcony. I'm guessing that it was either locked or they knew I wasn't dumb enough to jump. The bathroom was to the left with a closet positioned next to it.

"I'm sorry it isn't much." Kirishima apologized as he laughed nervously.

"It's fine. It's better than what I'm used to anyways." I assure him as I plop onto the bed. Kirishima walked over to the closest, pulling out a clean t-shirt and shorts and placing them next to me.

"Get dressed. I'm sure Bakubro will be in here soon to check on you."

I nodded as he closed the door behind him. That's when I heard the familiar sound of a lock sliding into place. That's right...I'm still just a prisoner. I sighed as I stood up and faced the clean set of clothes.

Welp, time to get dressed.

My Precious Emerald |BNHA Mafia AU|Where stories live. Discover now