#WarriorNunContest #Fiction

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          A year ago I lost my friends, my family, my hope, my innocence, my heart, and lastly my mind. I stred the streets with loose change in my pocket. Then the nightmares I walked with came to life. Reliving the moments I lost my innocence and the final word of that moment being "Amen" as I continue to repent on my sins. As I lost one last friend of mine it was like a pin dropped that made an echoe through my brain allowing me to wake up from the madness that consumed me so. This story isn't just about the spiritual but, it's about how people have the power to save a person's life whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, and or spiritually. I walked into the church with the thought of praying for the end of my financial problems. Within this church I found a family and a place of refuge after walking the streets feeling like a stray. When I was going to leave, the priest placed his hand on my shoulder and offered me an opposition to form a new project that would bring in the youth and more diversity. Tears escaped my eyes and thus began my journey of sisterhood. At the start of my journey I became aquainted with Christa, Laura, and Daphney.  I have scars from the trauma of spiritual abuse but, no one to tell my issues to. Once, I tried to share my secrets and I was placed in a psychiatric ward. Being as religious as they are they hugged me and Daphney said "It is your truth and thus no one can tell you your truths".  We decided to go shopping and I told the girls "I'll wait outside". "You sure?" "Yeah". I stayed on my phone just scrolling through facebook posts and then a weird man that looked to be about 30 years old starts cat-calling me. "I'm not interested!" "Come on...you don't gotta be like that". I tried to rush into the store until I was yanked back. "Get off of me- CHRISTA!" Over 5 men came over and pulled me into a black SUV. Before a bag was placed over my head, I saw Christa and the girls look towards me while in the SUV. Christa and Laura start coming after me in their motorcycles. I felt hands creeping their way all over me as the car chase was taking place. "You want to fight back huh?" The car suddenly stopped. They take the bag off my head, kick me out the car, and punched me right in the chest. My chest tightens, I lose my vision and I'm unable to breathe. The last thing I see are the girls battling the men and the sounds of sirens. As I awoke I saw Christa and Laura but not Daphney. "Where's Daphney?". You want to know the most badass thing a friend has ever done for me. She sacrificed herself to give me a heart.

#WarriorNunContest #Fiction: Gaining a heart 2 timesWhere stories live. Discover now