Chapter 4

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"So, how has your day been so far?" Sakura inquired.

Naruto was happy to see her, but at the same time nervous. He kept glancing at Sasuke and then hurriedly looking away when he was caught staring. It was like, any moment Naruto expected him to blurt out the secret that Naruto had begged him to keep. However, this wasn't very likely because he was heavily engaged in a conversation with Kakashi, whom Sakura had dragged along for lunch. Naruto liked Kakashi. He was funny, and very nice. That, and during the few weeks that Sakura had been gone recently, Kakashi had come to visit him in her place. He would read to him at bedtime, come see him at meals, and come to his art group when he could. Of course, he couldn't ever live up to Flower girl's standard, but Naruto decided that if he had to pick a plan b, Kakashi would be a very good one.

"It's been okay." Naruto answered Sakura, "I went to group discussion this morning, and while I was there Sasuke cleaned my room for me."

"Did he now?" Sakura smiled, turning to Sasuke with a teasing look. "I didn't know you were such a good maid, huh, Sasuke?"

"Beg pardon?" Sasuke spared her a look filled with dispassion.

"You cleaned Naruto's room for him while he was at group discussion? That was very nice of you."


That was that. Sasuke went back to talking to Kakashi and Naruto resumed his conversation with Sakura. It was in the middle of Naruto asking Sakura how her other friends were doing, when Sasuke left for the restroom, Kakashi kindly showing him where it was. Naruto shrugged it off, but Sakura seemed a little suspicious.

"Flower girl, you're just being silly. He has to take a break from glaring at the world to go to the bathroom every once in a while." Naruto told her firmly. Sakura sighed, but she kept her eyes trained on the door, and the clock.

"How are you two getting along?"

"We're getting along fine." Naruto replied quickly. Then, he scowled as he remembered something, "And thanks a lot for leaving me alone with him last night! Flower girl, you know I don't like being alone with him!"

"No, I didn't know. You never told me that. For the record, if you're getting along fine than what's the problem with being alone with him?"

Naruto bit on his bottom lip a little, wondering if he should tell Flower girl. This really had been bothering him. But yet, he was a bit embarrassed to tell anyone about it, even if it was just Flower girl. Well, he might as well give it a shot.

"Whenever I'm alone with him, and he looks at me, or is close to me, my tummy get's this tickly feeling that I really don't like." Naruto mumbled, fiddling with his lunch, "And when you're there, he pays attention to you, so I don't have those feelings."

"Um, Naruto..." He looked up at Sakura, hoping she was going to tell him she'd be taking the afternoon off so she could stay with him. But instead her face was slightly red and very serious, "Can you describe more what these 'tickly feelings' feel like to you?"

"I get really warm, like I'm wearing too many jackets, and like I want to throw up. But I kind of want more of the tickly feelings, but at the same time I don't. And they make me shiver, like I'm really cold." Naruto thought that, as he explained it, he continually contradicted himself. But Flower girl knew a lot, so she'd probably understand.

"Are you sure that's what you're feeling, Naruto?" Flower girl asked him nervously. Naruto glared at her, yes he was sure. He'd just told her, hadn't he?

"Those feelings you're describing fit the bill for a crush, do you know what that is?" Naruto shook his head, no. "You know how a married couple loves each other right?"

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