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"Oh god! I am so excited for this trip, I heard that the village is really pretty and we can take many aesthetic pictures plus I am you, my photographer" Soo giggled while punching me on shoulders.

I must say that she was hyperactive but she was my only friend and best friend whom I loved more than anything.

We were sitting in the bus, the village was on the outskirts of  the city; so it took around an hour to reach there. Finally, we were there, Soo was busy on her phone but I was still reading about that village.

"Miso, we are almost here," Soo said and I looked out of the window. We entered the gates on the village; though it was completely burnt, everything was the same as no one touched it but It was still beautiful in a very unique way.

The moment I stepped out of the bus, I felt the presence of some strange force and understood that something is weird there.

"No one is allowed to touch anything"our professor shouted.

I was continuously feeling uneasy and weird as if the village was trying to tell me something. I was busy in my imagination when one of my classmates fell on me all out sudden.

As a result, I was also fell and touched the wall of one of the houses. Everyone came running towards me to see if I was fone or not, but my power of psychometry showed me what exactly happened here.

Though I wasn't able to see the kings face but I could see his big Scar. I saw how he killed everyone in this village..kids, Women and the Nobles.  I heard screams of people and saw everyone getting burnt. I don't know when I tear dropped on my checks and made everyone worried about me.

"Oh god, are you hurt?" Professor asked

"No professor, it's just some dust in my eyes," I said and got up.

"I can't let my people die, remember this" I murmured

Professor was telling us about the Village and different structures and style while we all were walking behind her and making notes when we reached near The Scar King's grave.

"Usually the King and Queen are buried together in their tomb but he was cursed not to have any soulmate" professor said

His grave was in the centre of the village. We all went near it and stood around it to examine it more.

"No one will touch it," Professor said but again someone pushed me from behind and I fell straight on the grave.

I was completely on it, my face in front of its face and due to my psychometric powers, I saw his face and it looked like her was looking straight into my soul.

"You can bury me, but not my soul," he said. Clearly, it was the past I was seeing but the fact that he was buried alive isn't mentioned in any of the books.

"One day my soulmate will come to save me and the world will know the truth," he said while looking at me, I was shocked by hearing what he said. It looked completely different from what everyone knows.

Again, the professor came and everyone helped me to get up.

"Are you okay? What happened Miso, you are falling too much?" She asked

"I felt like someone pushed me," I said

"Who pushed her?" Professor asked but no one replied.

"No one pushed you, it was your destiny.  You are the bride of the cursed one. You had to do it" the professor said but her expression weren't same, she was looking more scary and old. Suddenly we heard loud thundering.

"Everyone back in the bus," she said and everyone ran towards the bus but was still standing there, she turned back and smiled at me in a very mysterious and evil way.

"Common Miso!" She said and her Expressions changed again back to soft and sweet one. Her smile became soft and reassuring.

"Miso!! Let's go" Soo came back and dragged me, soon it started raining and we both were drenched.

"How can it rain, there were literally zero per cent of precipitation today" I heard many students whispering among themselves.

"Soo, did you heard something weird that Our Professor said..something Like the bride of cursed one?" I asked Soo

"No, Professor didn't say anything like that," she said

"Then was a hallucinating?" I asked

"Aigo!! Don't take to Much stress" She said and made me sit on the seat but the atmosphere outside wasn't looking good. I could sense something weird around me.

"I need to me The divine soul right now," I said


Hey guys!! How are you  I am also doing quite fine and just attending my online classes.  I hope you all are fine and happy:)

Love you all!!

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