The Birth Of A New King

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          Edith paced around her room, visibly stressed. It has been some time since the bodies of the knights and the king have been discovered. It's only been a couple of hours since it happened. William paced around his room the same way Edith is. They both found out when the kingdom found out, the sorrow that loomed around the kingdom was almost visible. Color wasn't vibrant anymore. The streets were gray and foggy, creating a quiet street in memorial. Edith's door swung open, Edith looked back at the door desperately to see Lilith running towards her. Edith sighed in relief and they seemed to fall into fall in each other's arms. "I don't know what to do, Lilith!" Edith said, "If William dies because of this plague, then the role of Queen falls onto me! That's too much pressure--I'm not sure if I'm prepared--!"

"Nothing will happen to you or William." Lilith reassured her.

"You can't be too sure! I'm scared! Father didn't even die from the plague, what if he was on a list? What with I'm on that list? I'm going to die!" Edith started to breath heavily, letting the pressure going up to her head.

"Edith, darling, you're not on any list. You're not going to die, my love." Lilith held her closer, the hug they shared sort of calmed Edith down. "I'm not going to let that happen." Lilith kissed the side of her head, and they continued to hug for a long time.

<:3(        )~~~

            Milo peeked in the room Samael was in, and looked at him as he put on his travelling poncho. "Wherrrreee are you going?" Milo said, coming out of the shadows.

Samael looked back at Milo, "I thought you were asleep." He tried changing the subject, but Milo was far too interested in where he was going then changing the subject and just gave him a stare. "I'm going to the neighboring kingdom to sell some stuff. We're going to need money to live the plague out safely. You can stay here."

"Whatttttt?" Milo tilted his head, "No way! I'm coming with." Milo grabbed his travelling poncho and put it on.

"But it's dangerous for you."

"I'm still your apprentice." Milo looked up at Samael with a smile, "Plus, it could be dangerous for you too. You never know. Annnnnd, I don't wanna hear no protests. I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"Fine, just stay close to me." Samael smiled after Milo finger gunned him. They both left the house and went to get some horses for the trip. The way there wasn't long, but it'd take even longer to get there without horses. Once Samael and Milo got there they went about their business, walking around the kingdom. Samael began to sell some stuff to passing people. Once he sold the third item he looked at Milo, "Business, Milo, business!"

"This kingdom's lot..more fuller than ours." Milo said, "Oh well, but--"

A black-haired woman interrupted Milo from speaking. She ran up to Samael and put her hand on his shoulder. "Excuse me! I'm sorry to interrupt, but have you seen a blonde-haired man?Long hair, dumb face? He's wearing red and black, and some gold. Have you seen him?"

"No, I haven't. Is he missing?" Samael asked.

"No. I wish he were. I'm pregnant and he's the only one I've slept with! And he keeps running away from me!" The woman groaned in frustration. "If you see him, please tell him to stop running from his problems like a stupid fool." The woman looked at Milo and then back at Samael, "You don't look too shabby yourself, actually. You're very good-looking."

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