Hopes and Dreams

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   'Why do you wish for something from God? Would you be happy if your wish came true? Would you not feel guilty for being granted your wish while the other more desperate ones had not been given a chance to have their wishes fulfilled? If you are wishing for something... then doesn't that mean that you are not satisfied with what your life holds? What do you wish for?'

   Sitting on the roof, a stranger wondered. Looking up at the sky that is said to hold the house of God or Gods. Looking down to find solid ground below which holds the fiery depths called Hell. 

   Living in the era where science and faith clashes against each other. It is hard to choose. Putting blind faith is tougher than anyone thinks. 'Would you be glad that you won't disappear after death if there is a place for you in the so-called afterlife? People fear the unknown and the unseen. Man! I hate having too much time in my hands. Ever wished for something bizarre? Are you wishing for the end of the world? You might not be the only one wishing for the Judgement day to come soon.'  Watching the world down below as he stood atop the roof of his building. So many people down below, so many people doing so many things. Protests, riots, car accidents, shouting, shooting, rallies, laughing, festivities and many more.

   'Ever watched a fight breaking in the middle of the street? Do you feel a sense of thrill as you desperately break through the crowd to get a better view? Does it excite you to see people mauling at each other? But if you were one of the people who were fighting.... would you feel the same thrill that you feel while watching? It is fun to be the audience, right?' Standing on the edge of the roof, if the wind was strong enough or fate was cruel enough, the man would fall to his death. 'It is fun to risk your life, isn't it? I feel a sense of excitement just standing on the edge. Is that why people kill themselves? I thought people killed themselves to get attention. If you are a young man who dreams of being a superhero... would you jump off this building to see if you can fly? Would you risk everything to check if you are gifted or normal?' 

   "I wonder what the suicide bomber think about, while they blow themselves up along with the bystanders." He mumbled as he walked back to the door. 'Is it that simple to risk it all? I can kill and destroy but I will still tell my kids to be good. Isn't that funny?' 

   "Sir, we need you."

   "What is it?"

   "We received a message from the terrorists." The young man seemed to be calm but deep within, he was terrified of the terrorist that had declared to blow up this very building they stand upon in a few days.

   "Is it fun to make threats and destroy things? Well if I had the power to do it, I would too!" The stranger laughed and say in front of the TV to see three masked men cutting the throat of a masked stranger and making threats. 

   'What do you wish for?  Everyone has a motive that seems to appear rather justified. Do terrorists show kindness to their own family while killing someone else's? I guess I could never understand that sort of justice. Why do you do it? So if I gave you gun... would it make you more prone to violence? Are you enjoying the turn of events because it new?' "Time to work then? Start talking."

   'If we capture one of the terrorist members... we too would do unspeakable things to him without considered about his or her family. Does that make us bad people too? Oh lord! I really need to work instead of having thoughts like these in my head.'       

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