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Your POV

In a month after my drum audition in a famous talent show here in my place things started to escalate much more than it is, my much private life back then starts to be as clear as day at media, offers got to me like a jet. I didn't win the show but I did have a price in store from the industry and that is having my own group to join, currently playing and singing for Oxy2o here mostly based on London in the best company EMI, from handling bands back then from The Beatles to Queen as well as Elvis. Being a teen who isn't ready to have her life flip completely is problem and stress for my still learning brain, having only a drummer and a pianist-flute player in the group isn't less stress either. "I sometimes feel like I'm dying!" I moan out in stress as I slam my forehead onto the table, startling the two old men before me as well as Hans, my band mate. "Oh dear, your face will be fucked up if you continue this." Ringo placed me back to lead back into my seat, grabbing me by the shoulders with a nervous chuckle. The two sighed heavily as I did also, rubbing my forehead that I think is currently red as hell. "Can't blame you lads, it's a different time. Much less darlings play instruments as seriously as we do back then!" Paul in a matter of factly plops in, I pointed my other hand to him in agreement as our manager let's us in with another form, a guitarist. Open in most string instruments involving the harp, which is quite impressive despite being close in his thirties. "I don't know why we know you both personally at this point..." Hans states looking down at his half eaten tuna sandwich. "First things first, we should've said that..." Ringo hugs closer to my head as I continue to answer my online quizzes and a major test in math through my laptop. "Second is Y/N here approached me on for a contract but I referred her to EMI." Ringo shrugs with his free hand pulling up his shades to his head. "Lastly, you guys are still starting we'll steal you when you're all too much to even go out without a man screaming like a girl." Ringo and Hans laughs off as the man enters for his audition, ready to play as he starts in the middle with his electric guitar in hues from blue to grey.

"Might I add on that we have a meeting in about 30 minutes?" Paul points to his watch looking rather annoyed by Ring's decision towards my offer as they got up and said their goodbyes. After the end of our audition today we got our electric guitar player as well as our drummer. We finally settled me for singer-bass for much less stress on the beat, Hans on the keys or sometimes the guitar also, John in the lead guitar and then Marin to end off with the drums. After talking legal stuff we've settled to sign in as a group tomorrow morning. As I did my daily routine after waking up to our manager's early reminder, I bid in my driver to get food at a nearby coffee show then speed off to the studio. "Good morning love! Late as ever..." Our manager greets me as I enter the red studio by the fourth floor. Our lawyer seated in as he nods to me, I nod back taking my seat at a nearby single couch chair as my band mates seat by the long white couch. "Let's sign!" I encourage them smiling and all jumpy after cutting the silent tension. They've all laughed and chuckled along. "What? I need to finish a project by the end of the week and tomorrow is Friday." I shrug off. "I agree, I also have tests to answer." Marinette adds on as we hand out each of the papers to sign in. By the end of the month we we're already off with an album all up to sold and publish, the next month we we're immediately on top of the US and here in UK much to our surprise. Things much leads to another as me and the band does this and that, we eventually got to a rough start. We argued more, fought on songs/beats more, a day was never spent without us screaming or getting on each others lungs. This affected our group greatly to a point of what we are in now, after a year and a half of being hits without having even a proper tour, we disbanded and got on our own way but we remained friends in contacts.

"Going solo, huh dear?" Ringo start out our talk after we finally got our coffees this afternoon in a garden cafe. "I already am Starr, just didn't thought that the people much preferred me than the band. Added on to our tension, you know?" He nods in agreement and understands. I love it that me and this old man grew close, even after turning me down and our age gap we remained much like shitty drummers talking from drum to drum in the school's bleachers. "I want you to meet someone, someone who I knew but most importantly you knew like you knew me and Paul. Quite talented of a drummer and singer that he is for I say, more into rock like you'd prefer... Maybe get friends with him. A kind lad if I may-" I put up mg hand to stop him as I sighed in defeat, he knew I am busy to a point that I only go out in weekends and this is only one of those weekends. From these words, I knew that he really wants me to meet this man. "Who is it Rings?" I lean back at my seat, arms crossed over my chest, hand pulling down my shades lightly as I squint my eyes at the man then to his coffee. His lips only smiled back.

The next day I was already at a house I didn't knew, Ringo knocks on the door as a familiar yet unfamiliar hoarse voice echoes a reply from within. Opening the door, Mr. Taylor. Roger Taylor of Queen comes out and greets us, Ringo left us awhile in settling down and after days in getting to know and talking about our future collaboration we finally got be friends like Ringo and I. Drumming our hearts out when Ringo can't come or is busy when I'm free to jam in. Me being a hit as well as me and Mr. Taylor's collaboration really hits me a big time to my heart, I love it and I'm thankful for it.

I know...
It's shitty and less on Roger. I promise the next me to be much more focused on Roger Taylor, did you guys like the modern era and addition of The Beatles (Paul&Ringo)?
Enjoy anyways!

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