"My will????"

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                       Jungkook P.O.V

I was talking to my business partner when dad gets everyone attention as my attention also diverted towards dad and what dad said next make me feel like I heard him wrong Right?? How me and taehyung can get engaged when he is so younger then me moreover he is like a little brother to me dad call me and taehyung over to stage.

And we went towards stage because I remember mom words "you have to take the responsibility" "in evening party what you have to do is just go with the flow" when we got there my mom and Mrs Kim gave us each others rings tae looked at me and smile at me then he ask for my hand and I put my hand on his.

He put ring on my finger and then I looked up to see my mom she was smiling at me then she glared at me and signal with her eyes "put ring on tae's finger" and I obliged her order. Then everyone starts to clap for us as the photographer starts to take pics of us now it makes sense why there are media for my birthday party this was all damn is about my engagement.

My mom came to me and hugged me tightly and said in my right ear "I am proud of you now you really took the responsibility for what you did" and she went to hug tae then my dad and Mr Kim also hug me after recovering from this shock I went off the stage and there I meet jin he straight came to me and hugged me.

"Oppa I am so happy for you and I think tae is perfect for you and about age difference don't take it seriously okay?" Said jin to me happily I just fake a smile and "hummed" to him. Then Bella came to me and also hugged me at first she said "she is happy for me" but then she broke the hug and asked me "hey kookie are you okay". "Yeah I am okay why you think like that I am not" I said and fake a smile again but she didn't believe it.

She look around and said "come with me" and now I am at my room in silence no one said a word she sigh and then said "I thought you're happy and then engagement happen with your own will as what happen last night I thought you like tae and now you asked aunty to talk to his parents"

"My will??? Bella my will you said mom didn't ask me anything she order me and I have to oblige it she said that I have to take responsibility but I didn't think like that, that she makes me married him" jungkook yelled these words. "Jungkook I think what she did isn't totally wrong but what she did wrong is to not inform you" said Bella and jungkook looked at her weirdly.

"Bella seriously inform she had to ask my permission first not to inform me or surprised me like this", jungkook said irritated. "You agree that you're at fault about the last night incident right?" Bella asked. "Yeah" jungkook said confused. "So what she did is right if I was in her place I also will be just informed you not ask your permission", said Bella and jungkook took a deep breath.

"I don't know why am I you friend you bitch" said jungkook. "YAH I can say the same thing you jerk", said Bella. "Bella don't yah me I am older than you" said jungkook grinding his teeth. "But you act like I little baby" said Bella in a baby voice. "Y.O.U A.R.E. D.E.A.D" said jungkook in his dangerous voice and Bella starts to run for her dear life while screaming

                        No-one P.O.V

And jungkook run behind her they were on second floor and party is on first floor otherwise this whole Tom and Jerry show is going to record by media and is going to be the next day headlines while jungkook was chasing Bella his mom,Mrs Kim, tae and jin came upstairs to find jungkook.

Bella see Mrs Jeon and run towards her and hid behind her and said "Aunty save me from this monster please he will eat me alive". And you stop in front of them and saw her mother glaring holes inside his body. "What" he asked. "Why are you disturbing her and especially chasing her like she stole something important of yours", said Mrs Jeon.

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