Chapter 5

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Jungkook is home and Taehyung goes back home too. Jungkook's body is still sore, he can't move easily. He goes to bed so he won't feel the pain. Taehyung is wanting to break up with his girlfriend so he can date Jungkook, he is so in love with him. He calls his girlfriend to come to his house.

Tae: hey, Haeun?

Haeun: yes babe?

Tae: can you go to my house now?

Haeun: omg babe, ofc I can! I'm on my way.

Tae: okay

Haeun went to Tae's house and knocks the door *knock...knock...knock*

Haeun: baby, I'm here...

Tae: okay, go in

Haeun: btw, why are you calling me at night time baby? Do you miss me?

Tae: uhm... actually I have something important to say

Haeun: sure, what was it?

Tae: I'm sorry but... Let's break up...


Tae: I'm very serious Haeun! Let's break up

Haeun: what's the reason? Is there's something that you didn't like from me? I can fix it right now baby!

Tae: no Haeun, it's just... I found a new one

Haeun: who is it? Tell me!

Tae: he's my secretary, he is perfect for me

Haeun: Jungkook? He was nothing perfect! I was the one that you need

Tae: whatever, that's my decision! Now go out

Haeun: but...

Taehyung pulls Haeun out of his haose and locked his door. Haeun was so mad, he wants to have Taehyung back. Taehyung was so relieved that he already break up with Haeun. He goes to bed so he can meet Jungkook tomorrow.

In the morning....

Jungkook: it's morning, I have to work.

Jungkook quickly gets ready so he won't be late for work. He rushes to the company and walk into his office, but someone calls his name loudly from his back.


Jungkook was shocked and directly turns around and see who is it.


JK: u-uhm good morning sir, pls don't call my name like that. People are watching us.

Tae: it's okay, you're gonna be my lover by the way

JK: w-what? L-lover? Like-boyfriends?

Tae: yeah why? You don't want to? I've broken up with Haeun. So now you are mine.

Jungkook's cheeks are blushing, he quickly runs because he was shy of the sudden confession.


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