panic and pain

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An whole hour of complete panic in the mansion. Hosoek, Jin and Namjoon were cooking while Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi were cleaning, all because of Mr.Jeons visit. Jimin had changed into a peach pink dress shirt, a white lace blazer with matching pants and a pair of peach pink heels. He really hoped that Jungkook would get the hint - and tell Mr.Jeon that they were dating, planning on telling everyone in jungkooks family, and would make it official to the whole world. Jungkook owned a big mafia - pretty much anyone knew who he was and many people were also crushing on him, so Jimin wanted to tell them to back the fuck off.

Jimin walked back into the kitchen while looking at some papers in his hand. Namjoon had told him to look some business papers through, they could show Mr.Jeon. "What the fuck...what are you doing joon?" Jimin could hear Jin talking in a concerned voice. "Cutting carrots..." Namjoon said sounded like he was embarrassed. Jimin looked up from his papers since he really wanted to see this 'jin getting mad' scene, but someone took away all his focus.

There he was. Jungkook was leaned up against one of the kitchen counters, wearing a black button up dress shirt, that sat tight - shoving his huge chest muscles, tight black skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly and very expensive looking jewelry and a Rolex-watch in all silver. Jimins eyes widened from the sight, how can someone look that good.

Suddenly Jimin felt self continuous. Was he good enough looking for mr. Jeons visit? Was he good enough looking in general? How could Jungkook really love him, when Jungkook looked that good?.
Jimin looked down as he closed his eyes. The thoughts became only worse, and soon enough a warm tear fell down his cheek. Before he could walk out of the room, a large warm hand was placed on his hips.

"Are you okay?" Jimin looked up to jungkooks soothing voice. The taller was filled with concern of the sight of Jimin crying. "J-Jungkook, you shouldn't walk! You said you were going to be careful." Jimin panicked, while placing a hand on jungkooks chest, not pushing him away. "I don't care. Are you okay?" Jungkook said and squeezed jimins hip in a comforting way, watching all the tears come out of the youngers eyes. Jimin sniffled as he brushed his hand over his cheek, to get rid of all the tears. "It's stupid..." he whispered as he looked into his favorite chocolate eyes.

"What's stupid doll? Tell me." Jungkook said as he leaned just a bit down, like he wanted Jimin to whisper it to him - if that was the problem. "Just...Thoughts, they're stupid." Jimin said in a very low voice, looking back down at the floor again. Jungkook curled a finger under jimins chin, making him look back up at him. "Tell me." Jungkook said back in his deep husky voice. All the noice behind them had stopped Jimin noticed, making him even more shy and uncomfortable. The taller noticed the smallers actions and face expressions, so he quickly turned around and ordered the three other people in the kitchen to get out.

Jungkook turned his attention back to Jimin who had started crying again. "Nonono...Don't cry, baby... tell me the thoughts that makes you cry, I'll try to take them away from you." Jungkook whispered as he wiped jimins tears away. The smaller sighed out a soft shaky sigh, afraid of being judged by the question he was about to ask.

"Am I good enough?"

The question left Jungkook speechless. His eyebrows furrowed, giving him a kind of scary expression. He pulled the smaller closer. "Where did you get that disgusting thought from?" He asked but got no response "why would you give me such a stupid fucking question?" Jungkook whispered while he felt very uncomfortable, tingling tears resting in his eyes. "Answer me." Jungkook ordered making Jimin look at him by holding his chin firmly. "I...I don't know, I-I just-"

"I don't know is not an answer for me. Jimin, baby...You are so much more then good enough. How can you think differently than that? I hope you know that I love you so do know that right? You know that I will do absolute anything for you? you'er my light, my world, my love, my life. You are my everything Park Jimin and I will do everything for you. You can have anything you want. If-if you want one of those islands in Dubai, I will buy it to you right now! You want a horse? I will buy it to you right now. What about a new house? New clothes? A cat? Or puppy? A country? Anything? Tell me what you would like and it's yours. Right now I want you to tell me what kind of fucker that made you have these thoughts, I will kill him, her or they immediately."

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