Chapter 1

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Note: Copyright, The Purponivian Prince's Mate, belongs to fantasy20writer, No part may be copied or re-told in any form. Thank you for reading and please vote if you like this. This is a first draft version

happy reading!!!!

P.S: vanessa in the picture


Chapter 1.

Vanessa' POV

Purponivia!!! A beautiful planet for us to 15 females to start our new lives. Four weeks back we were on earth hoping for survival but still it hurts to leave the place where I was born. After I was selected as the potential mate for the program, we all entered the space ship which was all white and neat and metal everywhere. The sleeping beds in bunk system was so luxurious with soft mattresses and pillows. They conducted various medical check-ups on us to ensure we were compatible with this planet. It was found that we weren't able to breathe their air due to the non-availability of 'xia' a component in our bloodstream, so we were made to wear masks to breathe till we were given xia. Last week we have been given a mansion temporarily until our mates to take us to their homes.

"Vanessa are you ready girl?" Came Kate's voice as she banged my room door. I open the door and start out to the entrance where warriors are waiting to guide us to the sacred temple where xia is given. "Kate? are you afraid? I am really nervous" I ask through my mask. Understanding dawns in her eyes "Don't worry Vanessa, we will live through this. One step at a time" kate says as she pats my back.

 The warriors lead us to the jungle for a short walk and then I see the ancient temple built in stones. It is a huge building with intricate designs carved on the stone walls and decorated with stones of all colours shining like diamonds in the sunlight. The center of the temple has large space for the gatherings. 5 priest figures in cloaks come to us and start chanting ancient words which resembles 'land, water, fire, ice, crops' thanks to language implants we were able to understand. The building starts vibrating around us. Slowly one of them comes forwards and says "female come forward, one by one, the ultimate power has blessed you with good times ahead, come here and give your left hand and take the xia from me and then go the priest on my right, he will bless u with holy water to consume the xia".

 We all hesitate for a minute of complete silence, then camelia goes forward. She receives a small drop in her hand and then she moves to the right and he whispers something to her and hands her cup in right hand. She licks the xia and consumes the cup of holy water and goes away with the warrior to the lab I assume to her checkup to remove the masks for breathing the air.

After her few us follow the same suit, I go in next. I receive the xia and holy water but the priest whispers "you are required to be strong for this entire planet, you will be the guiding light. Be strong and fight for everyone" I look at him in bewilderment but he says no more. I lick the xia and drink the water in the cup and go to the lab. They test us and give us the green signal to remove our masks. I inhale the Purponivia's air for the first time freely, it immediately recharges my insides. It feels magical.

We all go back to the mansion for our food and to get ready for the mating ceremony to be held at the night. I wear the white glittering dress which stops at my mid thighs. The back is open for the dress. Its really a scandalous dress but we were told to wear the traditional gown. I reach the waiting hall wear I see kate wearing a brown shrug on her back above her white dress. I go to her and ask silently "Kate are you not feeling well? why are u wearing a covering on your beautiful gown?" she lifts her eyes to me and says "I cant show my back, don't ask me Vanessa, I cant" something intense is shown in her eyes and to lighten up I say " I never thought you for a shy bride" I joke to lighten up the mood. She punches my arm lightly. "Lets go! You take too long to get ready"

At the ceremony hall, which looked like the same temple interiors except its glowing in purple light due to the singular purple colour stones. There were 15 chairs placed in the center, which is meant for us. Kate and I take the chairs in the middle.

When we were seated, a few minutes later, the drum beats and then a person steps before us. He really taller than us by 3 feet. "Greetings ladies! We are honoured to have you here. The king and queen have sent us the blessings through grand feast arranged. Our eligible mating mates will be presented to you shortly in their traditional attire. They will each hold your hands and say their name, if they transform into their shifter when they see your eyes, you will experience an energy flow along your hand to heart through the xia flowing in your blood. When this happens, they are your mates and you can leave with them to enjoy the feast and go to their homes to start your new lives. If they don't shift, they aren't your mates blessed by ultimate power. If you remain unchosen, do not worry, our next set of eligible warriors will appear to mating ceremony next month. This will happen every month till all of you are with a mate. Rest assured, do not worry, you all will be well cared for, Let the ceremony begin!!" as he turns back, I notice that he his tail is having rings at the end. I recognise it as the mating ring- the married male.

The warriors start entering in the hall, they all are huge, with violet skin like velvet, hope they feel like velvet when touched, I don't raise my thoughts louder. They have a tail behind them, other than that, they look like normal male with length hair till their hips. We learned that unmated males do not tie up their hair. I wonder what will their shifted form look like. We were all made to wear the tails rings around wrists so that we can wrap it in our mate's tail when they shift. The first warrior step forwards and starts from my right side. I notice his attire, dressed in leather strapped sleeveless shirt with jewels on shoulders with a loose black pants. He introduces him to kate and looks in her eyes, nothing happens and he comes towards me. I hold my hand out to them, he holds it and says "vorian" and then I feel the energy flowing through my hand to heart, I gasp and look at his eyes and he shifts

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