━━ GUS

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Gustav's P.O.V

   I sighed in frustration at the endless text messages coming in from my ex, Layla. We were going through a rough patch in our relationship right now. It was hella complicated, and these paragraphs from her weren't making it any easier.

   "Oh my god it's Lil Peep!"

   I look up from my phone expecting to see a fan.

   "Theodore!" I start to grin at the sight of my blonde haired doppelgänger.

   "Nice grills." He looks at the pink jewelry in my mouth.

   "Thanks, bro." I notice the girl glued to his side.

   She was beautiful, but in an innocent way. She looked so out of place. Like she didn't belong here or maybe this just wasn't her scene.

   "Who's this?" I looked at her with such an intensity.

   "I'm Raven, but you can call me Rave." She softly spoke.

   "Gus or Peep. Your pick." I sheepishly smiled, my face instantly flushing.

   She looks over at Teddy, "So... how did you meet Teddy?"

   "Well w—" I get another notification from Layla, but this time there's a video attached to it. Annoyance started to take over as the words suddenly escaped my mouth, "Actually, you know what. Just stop talking to me."

   I shove my phone into my back pocket as I walk out of the room without another word to the girl or Teddy.

   Once I'm a couple inches from the door I stop walking. You should go back in there and apologize, I think to myself.

   I shake away the thought. I better leave that girl alone, I'd probably ruin her anyway.

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