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As the years past, Stonybridge became quiter. People milled around the square. Rhydian was one of those people.

He would walk up the hill, and through the forest. Then he would begin to run and then stop at a tree. A tear would begin to well in his eye, so he'd move on. Carrying on through the forest until he reached the end of a garden.

It lead back to an old country house. Wrapped around by forest  occsionaly he would see a light on and maybe hear the voices of Mr and Mrs Smith. Every time he visted the house her scent would hit him. The girl he loved.

As time went on Rhydian began to wonder if he did the right tging; staying by Jana's side and raising a family with her. Living a life which he couldn't help but think it should of been lived with Maddy.

However at this thought he always shook his head. Jana was his wife, she was the mother to his cubs. How could he think like that?

Year after year Rhydian hoped for Maddy to return, but she never did. He never saw the Smiths anymore they had almost disappered. Rhydian looked out onto the garden remebering the fight. A tear slid down his cheek. "I'm sorry" He whispered in his husky voice. His eyes, slowly, closed as he drew his last breath. Dreaming of a girl, who he had loved all through his life.

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