Chapter 2 - Change of Fate

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She thought her life was finished. That was the last time she breathed. That was the last she saw the world and the only witnesses of her suicide were the moon and the comet.

At least that's what she thought.

Her heart was still beating. She slowly opened her eyes, everything looked blurry. Her whole body was warm and she felt herself laying on a comfortable bed. She felt weak to turn her head or eyes.

Her sight was getting clear as seconds passed. She finally saw a room. A big spacious room that was almost like one apartment. She was laying on a king sized bed, comfy blanket tugged inside and pillows beside her. The ceiling over was white in color. The temperature around was temperate for her. In a word, she felt comfortable.

She felt something strange with her hand as if something was touching her. She slowly turned her head to her left and saw a man; resting his head on the edge of the bed, holding her hand. For a minute, Myeong Jo didn’t budge. She was so weak to even think inside her mind.

The man beside was sleeping with his head burried to the edge, holding her soft hand. She tried to remember what happened.

Then all hit her straight. She recalled everything! Her sorrowful life, her brother, her decision to end her life. She even recalled that she jumped. And there's no way anyone was gonna survive that fall. She clearly remembered that she was falling down the cliff. She was practically dying.

Then how come she's here? Why was she still breathing? Why on earth was she still alive? Was she back to her hell life?

She began taking deep breaths. Not knowing what to do or not. She slowly regained her energy, enough to talk or move her limbs. She pulled her hand away from the man's grip quickly. By the sudden movement, the man woke up too. His eyes widened to see her, full of shock.

Myeong Jo firstly didn’t want to wake him up. Now that he's up and staring at her, she couldn’t help but to look at him too.

“M-Myeong Jo-ah? You're awake?” The man asked, hopping on the bed. His lips had the brightest smile as if he found a light in the darkness.

Her eyes were still locked with his.

“Oh my God! Thank Goodness. You're up, my Jagiya...” saying, he pulled her to his chest and covered her completely inside his embrace.

Shocked by his action and touch, she wanted to push him away and scream. But she was too weak to do that. A lot of things were going inside her mind.

First of all, she didn’t know him. Second, right now, she should be dead then why was she here? Third, why was the man calling her Jagiya?

Among thinking all these in her mind, she heard him saying, “I'm so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you go hiking all alone. If I was there with you, you wouldn't had fallen. I'm so sorry.”

That's it!

She pushed him away and moved away from him. The man was surprised to see her reaction. Myeong Jo didn’t know what to say so after calculating many words, the first thing she said was,

“L-Look, I think you've mistaken me for s-someone else.”

His eyes widened and blinked a few times, confused.

“I-I am not...who you are thinking to be. I'm sorry, do I know you?” she asked.

The man's jaw dropped in shock. He stared at her for a while and let out, “M-Myeong Jo, I'm your husband.”

The word husband made Myeong Jo fall from the sky. Husband? Hers? When? How? Why?

She clutched her eyebrows, “H-Husband?”

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