My Lucky Start (A 1D Love Triangle)

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"Can you give it back!" I yelled at my cousin.

"Not until you tell me who your texting!"

"My friend." I stated as she started texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked as she tried to swype on my phone.

"The same person your texting." She said with an evil grin.

I finally got my phone back when my aunt walked in my room. I read the text message and of course it had to say 'we should make babies!'

The worst part about the text message is that she said this to is my pen pal and I don't even know what my pen pal looks like . All I know about my pen pal is that his name is Josh, hes 19, and lives in london with some of his friends.

After my cousin left I decided to text him. I said "I was really sorry and that my cousin sent that text message."

He said "Its alright :)" I smiled to myself. Hes so sweet and nice. I got another text message from him that said "I'll be visiting my cousin in Arizona next week and I want to meet you in person." I lived in arizona.

I squealed with excitement and sent "I can't wait but how will I know its you, we've never seen eachother in our lives"

He said "trust me, you'll know. :)" I wonder what he looks like?

"JESSIE!!!!!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "come down here!!!"

"Yes mother" I yelled back running down the stairs and almost falling diwn the stairs because I was so excited about meeting Josh.

"You're dad is on the phone in the living room, please talk to him."

I don't talk to my dad anymore ever since he cheating on my mom when I was 12, but I decided to give him a chance because I was in such a good mood.I picked up the phone.

"Hello Mr.Reign." I said trying to piss him off.

"Hello Ms.Reign. How are you doing?" I got nervous and stood there on the phone saying nothing. "Are you still there honey?"

"Im good and don't call me honey Fred." I wanted to cry sitting on the phone but I wouldn't let my dad win this one.

"Im sorry Jessie and Im glad to hear your doing good. I got a job back in Arizona so I was wondering if you would mind going out to dinner with me sometime when I get there?"

"Sure but I have to go study for my midterms, I'll talk too you soon bye." I hung up before he could say he loved me.

I walked up the stairs and when uwas at the top my mom yelled thanks. I ran to my room and started to cry. My mom didnt know that my dad cheated on her, she just thinks that they had a misunderstanding.

I had a text so I went to check it. It was fron Josh. "im going to be in Arizona on thursday I want to see you on friday." I couldnt help but smile.

I texted back "Cant wait! :) :)"

He didnt reply so I went to bed since tomorrow was Monday,it would be a long day :(.

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