Nothing Breaks Like A Heart

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"My mind is complicated
Find it hard to rearrange it
But I'll have to find a way somehow
Overreacting lately
Find it hard to say I'm sorry
But I'll make it up to you somehow
And I just don't know why
The stars won't shine at night
Tell me you want it
A thousand miles away from the day that we started
But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest
If honesty means telling you the truth
Well, I'm still in love with you"


6, September 2019
7 days to the wedding


"Okay, cut this into little squares and put them in the trays, please, make it clean. I don't want crumbs around and if a piece is cut badly, don't put it on the tray." I say, sternly, as I wipe my hands on my uniform, "Remember this night is the most important for us, there will be a lot of people and I want everything to be perfect. Please don't mess it up."

Tonight is the night. The restaurant is ready. We are opening.

This past week is been erratic and honestly, I'm glad, being at the restaurant almost every day in the past seven days helped me to not think about everything else.

And it's a lot, trust me.

"Josh, please, make sure the spinach-leek tartlets are not overcooked, keep an eye on the oven."

Josh - my third life safer after Carter and Sophie when it comes to work - decided to take up my offer and come to work for me, leaving everything behind in New York.

I knew I saw something in him that night, and I was right. He has been nothing but helpful in the past days, we work well together, it turned out we have some kind of mental connection when it comes to work and cooking and he can understand what I want and how I want it without me speaking.

He is perfect for this and it made me happy.

Hiring him might have been the only good decision I made in the last months and I'm glad I wasn't wrong.

"Yes, Chef." he smiles from the other side of the counter giving me a brief nod.

The kitchen is a mess, everyone is in turmoil, waiters come in and out of the kitchen as they finish to prepare the last details in the restaurant room. We have been here since this early morning and I'm exhausted.

That's good though, maybe tonight I'll actually manage to sleep without waking up in the middle of it.

"Noelle! It's almost time! Why are you still in your uniform?" Carter comes shouting through the door, making everyone in the kitchen stop for a moment to look at him, "Your family is already here, Hannah is already drinking, Thomas is on his way, and people are starting to arrive."

I sigh, taking off the bandana from my hair and look around me, "Stop worrying, everything is perfect." He adds, noticing my worried expression and my wide eyes.

"Maybe I should just stay here. You're better than me with clients anyway. You'll stay out there and I'll stay here, to look over everything." I mumble, walking near Marco - an Italian boy we hired as a waiter - to fix his tie.

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