The beginning

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I was waiting beside my luggage, jumping from one foot to the other. "Mommá, hurry up I don't want to miss the train," I shouted into the house, not even sure if she was close enough to hear me. Not even a second went by until I heard her footsteps on the marble and her elegant figure appearing in the doorframe of the salon.  "Ma chère- " she exclaimed softly " just because you are standing here, the time will not be moving faster. Come eat breakfast." She took my hand and walked with me to the dining room. My father sat at the ending end of the table as we entered and didn't waste a second to scold me "Valery you should not be shouting." "She is just nervous, she won't do it again, Rolland." "I didn't talk to you, I talked to our daughter and I am waiting for a response." The last sharp words were directed to me. "Yes, Papa understood." "How often do I have to explain to you that you have to say Dad or farther. You are not in France anymore." He was so aggressive that I got scared of him. "Yes, Dad." I muttered while I sat down. Momma put a piece of toast on my plate and tried to get me to eat something before the long travel, while my father continued to read the paper. He came home four months ago from Azkaban. My first impression of him was when he walked up the front of the gateway guarded by two men from the ministerium. His hair was long and messy, he had a beard and the prisoner uniform was way hanging loosely on his body. In general, he looked like a person that would have appeared in my nightmares and would try to kill me. Even though now his hair was short and the beard was gone now, he still had something that was not sitting right with me. He wasn't the papa my momma always had described, this loving person, that would die for his family. He was quite the opposite. In every imaginable way, especially his tone with me was different to what I expected and also was used to. Momma never raised her voice at me, she never seemed to lose her temper with me. Even though she could use her temper easily with him. Her voice ripped me out of my thought process.  "Ma fee you know which house you want to get into?" "What is that of a question she will get into Slytherin like every Selwyn before her." "But shouldn't she get into the house where she fits in the most?" "She will fit in because she is a Selwyn. Its tradition." I saw clearly how mommá bite her lip to stop herself to start an argument again. I tried to escape the situation as fast as possible and get back to waiting beside my luggage and going over the list if I have everything.

10.30 am:

"You should be going now." My father said without any real interest. Mommá and I were searching for my new cat Salem, which hid somewhere in the room. "How about you two say goodbye already, while I will find the cat. He is probably in the kitchen." She left and Papa and I just stood there looking at each other. We never were alone together - or talked with each other. "Well ... have fun in Hogwarts, it will be the best time of your life." "I will." I stood there awkwardly not a single clue what to do now. Hug him? I slowly tried to hug him. And he seemed as perplexed as I felt uncomfortable, but now I couldn't stop.  Mommá walked into the room exclaiming that she found him in a kitchen cupboard, which gave me the option to get out of the hug. He seemed to be happy as well that it was over. "Ma chére, can u take Salems box and I will take the rest. I hope we still have enough time to run through the wall." She laughed. I grabbed  Salem's box, which started to protest with a loud Miou. My heart started to race now. For one obviously I was nervous and also I hated that feeling of apparating. I only could say a quiet goodbye in the direction of my father as the world around me started to move.

I needed a good five minutes to feel my stomach not moving again. My mommá had put the luggage on a trolly with Salem on the top. Which protested against the unstable situation of his box. We had only a minute walk to the wall that we had to pass. "Isn't that so exciting?!" She said smiling like she would start her first year in Hogwarts. Me weren't like smiling I was so nervous. She helped me push the trolly and run through the wall. Even though I knew the wall would let us pass I expected a collision. But nothing happened. On the other side, the Hogwarts express was waiting for the students to clime in. I looked through the masses of students and parents saying goodbye to find a familiar face. "Look there they are!" Mommá exclaimed and pointed at a couple that hugged a  girl. This girl was my best friend since forever. I shouted her name to get her attention as we were walking over. She escaped the hugs of her parents and run over to me to hug me instead. "I already got us seats! It should still be free. My brother gave me some tips to save them. Come let's go. I can't wait, I am so nervous." The word fell out of her mouth like a waterfall. "You can't go without saying goodbye to me." Mommá laughed. She first hugged Leyla so she could get back to say goodbye to her parents. And then she pulled me close and hugged me as tight as she could. "I love you ma chèrie. To the moon and back."  "I love you too Mommá." I said while she kissed me on the forehead. "Now go, before I change my mind," she added while holding back some tears. I hugged Leyla's mother quickly and then ran to Leyla to help her with my luggage. Salem didn't shut up until we were seated in our compartment, which was surprisingly still empty.  But it didn't take long until two first years joined us. The train let the last warning signal out that we would start soon and now the waving of the parents and students started. We opened the window as far as possible to say goodbye to them. And then slowly the train started to move out of the train station.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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