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You knew Hisoka for a while. You're good friends and hang out together every now and then.
Today, Hisoka invited you to the amusement park that opened recently...

I was getting ready to leave my house to meet Hisoka. I took my purse and my phone, and got going. It had been a while since we last hung out together, so I was pretty excited to get there.
Even though everyone found him weird (okay, maybe he was little weird), I found him nice. He's funny, unpredictable... he's something else, but I found that attractive in a way.

When I arrived, Hisoka was already there, happily waving at me.

"Hey there cutie~ Ready for our date?" He said, getting a little closer.
"Don't call it like that... let's just go.
Wait, let me give you something first!"

He took one of his cards in one hand, hiding it with his other hand. Then, appeared a beautiful red rose, that he put in my hair. He smiled, proud of himself.

"How do you even do that..." I asked myself, smiling back.

We got in the park, trying to decide what to do first.
We did a few rollercoasters, before he took my hand and pulled me near an other attraction.

"Where are we going?" I asked, lost.

He suddenly stopped, as I bumped into his back. He turned to me, smirking.

"Let's do the haunted house!
The what now?"

He pointed to a big dark house, lots of spiderwebs and fake monsters were coming out from everywhere. From where we were, we could hear screams coming out of the house. I looked at it intensely, before turning to the man at my side.

"I am not going in there.
Awww, are you scared little one? Don't worry, I'll hold your hand.
I'm not scared! I just... don't like these kind of things..."

I turned my eyes at the huge house once again, before letting out a sigh. I could feel the intense look Hisoka was giving me. I just couldn't say no.

"Okay... But only because you're being a pain in the ass.
I didn't do anything dear~, he answered
Oh shut up."

I walked in the house first, but instantly stopped and waited for the pink haired man.

"Already scared?" He asked, a big smile on his face.

I didn't say anything, and walked by his side, waiting for the first screamer to appear.
We walked for a bit. For now, nothing scared me. Everything looked very fake, which helped me hold back my screams. But then, when we were almost at the end, something horrible fell right in front of me. The worst things of all, child of Satan: a spider. I jumped and screamed my lungs out, turning to face Hisoka as I burried my face in his chest.

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME, GET IT AWAY FROM ME, GET IT AWAYYY" I cried, scared for my life.

Hisoka threw a card at the black haired spider, cutting it in half. Even though they're fake, spiders are the only thing that make me REALLY scared.

"Shhhh, it's alright now, it's gone." Hisoka said in my ear, patting my head.

I looked back, and saw the two halfs of the spider at each side of the path.

"You good?" He asked.

I quickly pushed him away, blushing of embarrassment.

"N-Nothing happened... got it?
Mhm, sure~" He replied, smirking again.

Then, we got out of the house pretty fast. I sighed in relief.

"Finally... we're out of there..." I thought, still shook by what happened in there.

I looked behind me, waiting for Hisoka to follow me. He wasn't here.
"Where the fuck is he..."

I got worried, so I decided to search for him. I went back to every place we already went to, hoping he was there. But nothing. He was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I felt two hands grabbing my shoulders. By reflex, I kicked what was behind me, before realizing Hisoka was standing behind me. He had my feet in one hand, and a cotton candy in the other.

"Nice reflexes dear~
Where the fuck were you?! I thought I lost you, you idiot!"

I playfully punched his shoulder, as he laughed.

"Awww how cute~ were you worried for me cutie?
Shut the hell up, what were you doing? Flirting with a clown or something?
No, I only flirt with you dear. Here, I thought you would like this!"

He handed me the cotton candy, smiling widely.

"Couldn't you have told me where you were going? Instead of just disappearing like that."

I took the fluffy candy, and we started walking around the park again, while eating the pink cloud like candy.

After a while, we got out, and Hisoka proposed to walk me back to my place. Unfortunately, it started raining.

"Are you serious?" I thought, kind of pissed.

The man next to me then took my wrist and dragged me somewhere. He entered a house, and closed the door behind him. I wiped the hair that were in front of my eyes, and saw that the rain had made Hisoka's hair fall down. I had to admit, it looked hot...
We were totally drenched, from head to toe. Plus, since we ran, I was out of breathe.

"Hisoka, where are we?
Welcome to my house, dear!"

I looked around me. The place was pretty big and fancy. Who knew he would have a normal house?

"Here you should dry before you catch a cold."

He handed me a towel. I thanked him, and started drying my hair.

Afterwards, he gave me some dry clothes. They were a little baggy for me, but they smelled good. Then, I went back to living room, where the pink haired man was waiting for me, his hair still down. He was peacefully sitting on the couch. I decided to try and scare him. I silently approached him, then jumped on him.

"Hello~" I said, proud of myself.

He opened his eyes wide, before smiling at me. I sat on the couch, next to him.

"What do we do now?
We could watch a movie if you'd like?" He proposed.

I agreed. He turned on his TV, and searched for a movie.
After an hour or so, I sneezed, and started shaking a bit. Without a word, Hisoka pulled me to him, and put his arm around my shoulders. He was nice and warm, and smelled really sweet. We cuddled for a while, before I fell asleep in his arms.

"Goodnight, (y/n)."

He kissed my forehead, before falling asleep himself...

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