Icecream and Roses

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Blue's car door clicked and so he turned around to Coconut when he couldn't open the door. He raised an eyebrow. "Coconut? Why did you lock my door?" 


Coconut only smiled and started driving away from the dorms. “Because we’re going somewhere.”


"What?" Blue put his seatbelt back on and confusedly looked out the window. "Where?" 


Coconut shrugged with a sly smirk and didn’t say anything.


"Tch. Okay." He smiled and then looked out the window. 


Coconut drives for a little while longer before stopping and parking on the side of the street in front of an ice cream shop. He gets out and walks to the sidewalk, motioning for Blue to join him.


Blue stepped out of the car and closed the door, a cool smile on his lips. "Oooh, I see." He played it nonchalantly but on the inside, he was screaming for joy. He walked closely next to Coconut, falling on his arm and gazing up at him. "This is a date."


“Mm, how’d you know?” he asked with a loving smile.


Blue looped his arm through his. "Hm. You're very charming." And they stepped into the shop, a small bell rang.


Coconut smiled at Blue as they walked in. "What flavour do you want?"


Blue looked at the menu and his face fell. He stopped in his tracks. 

"Hey there, what can I get for-" the girl at the counter was texting on her phone, not paying a lick of attention. She had her long blonde hair in braids which looked good, Blue admit, in the pink and white outfit the shop made her wear. When she looked up, she immediately tucked her phone in a pocket and then smiled hugely. "Heeeey, I know you twooo." 

Blue's grip on Coconut lessened and he almost pulled away but he didn't want to offend Coconut or give him the wrong idea. 

"So, Angel? Was it?" She asked, but Blue could see the evil look in her eye. It was the girl from the bleachers.

"Uh, no." He hoped his immense blush wasn't as noticeable as he feared it was. "I told you that was my last name." 

She folded her arms, raising a brow at Yuno and looking him up and down. "And you're here with that guy you totally aren't into? The one you just met?" 


"I don't think it's normal behavior to walk into an ice cream parlor hugging the arm of someone you called a stranger." 

"I didn't call him a stranger." Blue unleashed a stern glare.

"Geez, calm down, I'm just messing with you." She folded her arms.


"Blue? You alright?" Coconut asked, little concerned because of Blue's behavior towards the girl, whom he, like before, completely ignored.


Blue didn't respond, just blushed- as he always does. 

"Hey, Yuno. You're a looker as always. Still single?" She folded her arms and twirled a braid, fluttering her eyelashes. 

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now