The Start Of A Curiosity

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I've always been searching for my revengeful mind but I have been blind. For all this time I've needed not revenge but I needed the light and I've been lead to it...I could truly thank you for everything you've have done. You're my star that shines up the darkness inside of me...


Tomorrow is my first day at college and I have yet to pack. I threw a bunch of clothes, video games, and other things I didn't really need to bring but did anyways. I then noticed my sketchbook was missing. I enjoyed drawing very much and all my hard work is in that book. I began searching desperately for it. While I was searching for it I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs almost tripping over my luggage to see who it was.


I hugged the daylight out of her.

"God damn it why do you always hug me like this."
She might seem like cold person but she's the nicest person I've met. I don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for her, she led me out of my darkest days. She was always by my side ever since.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited because tomorrow is the first day of college and I've been looking forward to it for so long. Learning about stuff you're interested in is very fascinating."

By the way, I'm becoming a detective. I always found it pretty cool how they solved mysteries. I want to help others solve situations they can't fully understand. Ever since I was a teenager I looked up to Sebastian Castellanos and Joseph Oda. They solved many cases and are a great pair. I hope one day to become just as great or even better, work together with those two.

"Well I know, but aren't you upset that we aren't going to the same college?"

"Of course I am! To be honest I wanted to talk you about it..."

"It's fine, I bet you'll make plenty of friends there I'm sure of it. But, just don't forget I'm your number one best friend okay? Oh yeah, here you left this at my house the other day."


"Haha no problem. But I got to get going byeee!"

I went back inside my house and began to look through my sketches. "Wow I really did improve!" As I reached the last page I saw this strange drawing that I didn't remember sketching. It was a huge mansion and all over the walls there was symbols that looked pretty satanic in my opinion. It looked like there was an eye in the middle and a line straight down in the back of it. I thought it was really odd so I decided to do some research and went on my Alienware laptop. I typed in symbols with an eye. No luck what so ever. I then decided to leave it be and finish packing. By the time I finished packing It was already 10:00 pm. so I decided to get some rest since there's a long day awaiting for me.


I heard the ringing of my alarm buzz into my ear. Even though I went to sleep pretty early I was extremely exhausted. I got ready and went downstairs to make myself some delicious breakfast. RING----

"Who's calling me at this time? Hello? HELLO?!"

Nothing...I only heard static noises that came from the phone. I was pretty scared, so I just ignored it gathering my luggage and belongings getting into my car heading to college.

Wow, even though it wasn't my first time coming here It was extraordinary how big the campus was. I instantly went to find my dorm, I then realized I've been walking for a while, my luggage was getting pretty heavy. I found it weird that my dorm was far deep into the campus. I got there seeing a building that looked older than the others and looked abandoned. I went inside trying to find my way around since it was really dark. Well that's what I get for receiving a scholarship I thought. This college was very expensive but I just got really lucky so I'm grateful.

I finally got to my dorm and opened the door.

"Ohhh myyyy godddd...THIS ROOM IS HUGE, I LOVE IT!"

The room was quite bigger than my room and the bed was king sized. It had a big bathroom and a huge walk in closet. It was like a dream house it wasn't so pretty on the outside though. But it's whats inside that counts. I should be glad at least I got a dorm anyways.

I got settled and unpacked all my stuff and got ready for bed because my first class takes place tomorrow. I went to take a shower and while I was washing my hair I looked at the floor and noticed blood filling up the tub. "AHHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I jumped and slipped hitting my head on the edge of the tub, my vision went black.

I woke up in bed with my PJs and my head wrapped with a bandage. "What the- how did I get into bed with my PJs if I fell down..? Everyday just keeps getting weirder, it kinda scares me. After that I just closed my eyes falling asleep.


HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED. First fan fiction I wrote here so bare with me thanks! I'll try to update every day but no promises

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