முடிவிலி (Mudivili)- Infinity

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AN: The song is to set the mood of the story. Just feel....the music travelling smoothly into your veins while you read. 

She was leaving the country, to study and to fulfill her dreams.

She wanted to show those people, who mocked at her and her parents, that she was capable, she was capable of achieving her Dreams, dreams that everyone looked down at, and said she could never ever, accomplish anything even remotely close to it, and now she was nearing her goals, only a few more steps before she could reach it, and she would pursue until she climbed every one steps, crumbling the difficulties in her wake.

But before she left she had to meet someone special, Someone, who cheered her up when she was down in spirits,consoled her when she was fed up of her life,

He was someone who was a constant in her life, even when everyone she loved left her alone to cry.

              He was not her friend, nor was he a boyfriend, she couldn't and didn't name their relationship, afraid of being misunderstood and afraid of being alone once again without anyone to be called her own, a friend or even as an aquaintance.

Their meeting was an absolute coincidence,

 It was on social media and by chance he was a page coordinator of a meme page she followed, they connected through a funny meme when she privately messaged the page admin and told him how much she liked the page and how funny it was.

      She started telling him how the memes made her come out of sad times, and made her laugh carefreely after a long time. And that's when it happened, their friendship, He felt very glad that he was making her happy and spoke to her at large, telling some funny anecdotes, and sending her comedic forward messages.                                                                                                                                                                   First she got in contact with his private account and first it was chatting and sharing messages, and he got her phone number for easy contacting,  slowly it transformed into daily calls for a few minute to hours long talk. 

        She never realized it but she loved him, more than anything else in her life. And today before leaving and at the airport she was going to meet him in person for the first time ever. And she was nervous, not on how he looked, but how he would react, would they feel awkward or would it be cheerful, or would it be the same like on calls. She felt like hitting her head somewhere to calm down, but nothing could help her and she could only wait for him to come and relieve her of the stress.

I was waiting at the airport, for him, my best friend, my crush, my lover, my everything.

           I had to board my flight in an hour and he was to meet me before that. I was anxiously waiting for him to appear before I left the country for a long long time. As I was peeking at the front gate, someone lifted me up from back suddenly leaning me on their chest, my feet dangled in the air precariously, as I struggled and squealed in fright, I heard a booming and hearty laughter from the person lifting me, I immediately recognized the voice, the voice that I could recognise even in my sleep, even in the death and stopped screaming and he slowly lowered me to the ground.

     Everyone was looking at us as if we were crazy people, who had escaped from the asylum, feeling all the judging looks one me I felt embarassed and entrapped in my low self esteem,  I could feel myself going into my self deprecating cocoon. But he shook me making me come out of the cage my brain built for me to feel sad. As he calmed me down I realised that he was in front of me in real, in flesh and blood, I felt my blood Gushing in my veins, so fast that it could win the olympics, I could feel myself turn red like those in cartoon, nearly tomato red, I felt faint and my brain worked over time in exitement and happiness , I turned away from him unable to look directly at him due to my heart beating frantically like it was going to jump out of my chest cavity jump into his to join with it's other part.

                      And I was blushing very fiercely lowering my head as he turned me around to face me, but I was stubbornly looking at the ground my cheeks burning, suddenly he hugged me. I  was  tall nearly 5.65" but my face came only up to his shoulders, I could comfortably lean on his shoulders but would have to look up to meet his gaze, I realized  that he must be nearly 6 feet above,I was so shocked that I looked up at him, and he had a mischievous smile on his face, making me realize that, he hugged me to make me look at him. 

              My eyes widened in astonishment, and adoration, but I pouted and looked away from him feigning anger, he chuckled and released me, took my hand and pulled me to the chairs. Suddenly everything became silent and I didn't know what to talk, It was as I feared awkward and silent, when I was about to go mental with the silence, he spoke breaking the silence between us.

He was still holding my hand, and slowly he started talking," I know what you want to talk about, and even I feel the same about you and am willing to wait for you no matter how many years may it be, I love you very much to leave you alone and would never even dream to do so" While he confessed his love I sat shell shocked unable to utter even a word. He looked at me endearingly, so lovingly and slowly I came back to consciousness. I didn't know what to tell, it was an abrupt proposal but it was totally like him, no talking in circles and no fumbling with words, direct and straight to the point and I had no chance to be able to make myself ready for it, but that was his nature straight forward and direct killing the apponent with one stroke, without any chance to defend. When I regained myself enough and opened my mouth to speak, The airport speaker announced " Flight number ****** to ###### is ready for departure, passengers please move to the boarding area". 

     I gulped and stood up while simultaneously, he brought a trolley over to pile up my luggage. It was as if we needn't need any words between us, we both worked seamlessly to load my bags and rolled the trolly to the security check.

He handed me the trolley as soon as we neared the security check, and looked into my eyes deep and it was a promise being sealed between us, to be always together, we didn't speak anything, we did not need anything else between us, our hearts spoke enough for us, breathing and beating in sync. He held me for the last time, before I boarded, a fierce hug  until I coudn't breathe, and kissed me on the forehead, it speaking more words I could ever speak, so much meaningful than he could ever express.

   I moved into the line, completed the security check looking at him once in a while and I walked inside the airport, And at the last turning before I could completely go out of sight turned to look at him for the last time before I could totally go out of sight, I mouthed to him " I  LOVE YOU" and smiled a smile that spoke millions of meaning , he nodded at me and smiled a heartmelting one while also at the same time heartwrenching and I at last stepped into a new beginning with a new hope and with someone I could call my own forever and ever. 

   Both of us together, we would dream a life, a world of  Arya and Isai.

ஆர்யா இசையினி முடிவிலி வரை 

Arya and Isaiyini till infinity

AN: Just a random one shot, but still filled with love and feelings. 

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