Chapter 15

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*Rita's pov*

"Wait wait! What?!" I said in shock. Did she just say, she liked..Louis?!

"Louis! I like Louis! I can't believe I didn't see if before! He's the one that's been there for me and comforted me and he's super cute!" Zahra said.

"Well Louis is great and all but-" I started to say before she cut me off.

"But nothing! I'm just happy I finally figured that out now! That's put so much stress on me, you have no idea!" She said in relief.

BOOM! I heard a thud outside my door. I went to look and saw someone run down the hallway. I ran after him only to catch a glimpse of him before he darted out the front door. It was Jason. He must've heard our conversation. Oh no...I hope he's okay.

*Mikey's pov*

Madison, Louis and I were on the back porch trying to figure out what we want to do tonight. I wanna go to a theme park. Louis wants to go bowling. Madison wants to go see a movie. At this point, it came down to playing rock, paper, scissors to see who'd win and that's what we'd do.

"Rock, paper-" We all started saying until Jason bursts through the door.

"HOW COULD YOU!!!!!"Jason yelled.

"Dude what are you talking about?" I stood up and asked him.

"Zahra! Louis! How could you?!" Jason yelled extremely frustrated towards Louis.

"Jason what are you talking about?" Louis asked very, very confused.

"Today I took Mikey's advice to step up when it came to Zahra. So I went over to her house to tell her how I felt. I got there and her dad told me they were upstairs, so I went upstairs. Just as I was about to knock on the door I heard Zahra say something about who she liked. I didn't want to interrupt so I waited till they were done talking. As I was waiting I over heard that....she likes Louis!" He finally finshed out of breath.

We all stood there in silince, jaws dropped and looking at Louis. Louis looked like he'd just seen a ghost. He looked nervous, scared, shocked, but mostly nervous.

"Jason I swear I had no idea once so ever that she liked me!!!" Louis said in defense.

We all were looking at Jason now. He had the look of disbelief on his face. His eyes looked like they were gonna pour tears any minute.Thunder roared, but it didn't even cause Jason to flinch.After about two minutes in silience, Jason ran inside and out the front door.

"I got him." Madison said.

*Jason's pov*

I ran. I diidn't know what else to go. I couldn't stand looking at Louis any farther. I knew it wasn't his fault, but my heart was shattered. It's like I could feel each piece of my heart, break, drop into my stomach and dissolve, unable to be fixed. I dropped onto our front lawn and the tears fell. I heard someone sit down beside me.

"Madison what are you doing?" I asked wiping my tears.

"Coming to see if you were okay. I know what you're going through is hard." Madison said, trying to comfort me.

"No you don't! You don't know what i'm going through!!" I said even more frustrated and angry then before.

"Jason...dude you're not the only one who has gone through heart break. We've all been through it and it sucks!! But believe it or not it does get better, no matter how bad the will get better!" Madison said.

I sat there quietly as I soaked in everything he said. My body felt numb. My eyes still dripping. My body soaked head to toe from the rain. I just sat there, feeling the rain beat on my back. Madison left. It started to get cold as the wind kicked up and blew across my body. I shivered, but didn't care. Rain poured even harder, I guessed that this was a sign to go inside. I gather all my energy to stand on my feet and walk slowly inside.


I'm back!!! Hey yall, hope you like this long over due chapter! I will be finishing this story for sure! Comment how you like it so far and make sure to vote pleasee ^.^

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